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OpenSolaris 2008.11 Managing Boot Environments
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Taking a Snapshot of a Boot Environment

You can manually create a snapshot of an existing boot environment for your reference. This snapshot is a read-only image of a dataset or boot environment at a given point in time. You can create a custom name for the snapshot that indicates when the snapshot was created or what it contains.

How to Create a Snapshot of a Boot Environment

  • Use the following command to create a snapshot.
    $ beadm create BEname@snapshotdescription

    Replace the variable, BEname@snapshotdescription, with a custom name for your snapshot. The custom name must use the format BEname@snapshotdescription, where BEname is the name of an existing boot environment that you want to make a snapshot from. Type a custom snapshotdescription to identify the date or purpose of the snapshot.

    Sample snapshot names include:

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