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Solaris ZFS Administration Guide
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Using ZFS Delegated Administration

This section provides examples of displaying and delegating permissions.

Displaying ZFS Delegated Permissions (Examples)

You can use the following command to display permissions:

# zfs allow dataset

The above command prints permissions that are set or allowed on this dataset. The output contains the following components:

  • Permissions sets

  • Specific permissions or create time permissions

  • Local

  • Local and descendent

  • Descendent only

Example 8-1 Displaying Simple Delegated Administration Permissions

The following example output indicates that user cindys has permission to create, destroy, mount, snapshot in the tank/cindys file system.

# zfs allow tank/cindys
       Local+Descendent permissions on (tank/cindys)
               user cindys create,destroy,mount,snapshot
Example 8-2 Displaying Complex Delegated Administration Permissions

The following example output indicates the following permissions on the pool and pool/fred file systems.

For the pool/fred file system:

  • Two permission sets are defined:

    • @eng (create, destroy, snapshot, mount, clone, promote, rename)

    • @simple (create, mount)

  • Create time permissions are set for the @eng permission set and the mountpoint property. Create time means that after a dataset set is created, the @eng permission set and the mountpoint property are granted.

  • User tom is granted the @eng permission set and the user joe is granted create, destroy, mount permissions for local file systems.

  • User fred is granted the @basic permission set and share and rename permissions for the local and descendent file systems.

  • User barney is granted the @basic permission set for descendent file systems only.

For the pool file system:

  • The permission set @simple (create, destroy, mount) is defined.

  • The group staff is granted the @simple permission set on the local file system.

$ zfs allow pool/fred
Permission sets on (pool/fred)
        @eng create,destroy,snapshot,mount,clone,promote,rename
        @simple create,mount
Create time permissions on (pool/fred)
Local permissions on (pool/fred)
        user tom @eng
        user joe create,destroy,mount
Local+Descendent permissions on (pool/fred)
        user fred @basic,share,rename
Descendent permissions on (pool/fred)
        user barney @basic
        group staff @basic
Permission sets on (pool)
        @simple create,destroy,mount
Local permissions on (pool)
        group staff @simple

Delegating ZFS Permissions (Examples)

Example 8-3 Delegating Permissions to an Individual User

When you provide create and mount permissions, you need to make sure that the user has permissions on the underlying mount point.

For example, to give marks create and mount permissions on tank, set the permissions first:

# chmod A+user:marks:add_subdirectory:fd:allow /tank

Then, use the zfs allow to grant create, destroy, and mount permissions. For example:

# zfs allow marks create,destroy,mount tank

This means that marks can create his own file systems in the tank file system. For example:

# su marks
marks$ zfs create tank/marks
marks$ ^D
# su lp
$ zfs create tank/lp
cannot create 'tank/lp': permission denied
Example 8-4 Delegating Create and Destroy Permissions to a Group

The following example shows how to set up a file system so that anyone in the staff group can create and mount file systems in the tank file system, and also allows them to destroy their own file systems. However, staff group members cannot destroy anyone else's file systems.

# zfs allow staff create,mount tank
# zfs allow -c create,destroy tank
# zfs allow tank
Create time permissions on (tank)
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff create,mount
# su cindys
cindys% zfs create tank/cindys
cindys% exit
# su marks
marks% zfs create tank/marks/data
marks% exit
cindys% zfs destroy tank/marks/data
cannot destroy 'tank/mark': permission denied
Example 8-5 Delegating Permissions at the Right File System Level

Make sure to grant users permission at the right file system level. User marks is granted create, destroy, and mount permissions for the local and descendent file systems. User marks is granted local permission to snapshot the tank file system, but this does not allow him to snapshot his own file system.

# zfs allow -l marks snapshot tank
# zfs allow tank
Local permissions on (tank)
        user marks snapshot
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        user marks create,destroy,mount
# su marks
marks$ zfs snapshot tank/@snap1
marks$ zfs snapshot tank/marks@snap1
cannot create snapshot 'mark/marks@snap1': permission denied

Use the zfs allow -d option to grant marks permission at the descendent level. For example:

# zfs unallow -l marks snapshot tank
# zfs allow -d marks snapshot tank
# zfs allow tank
Descendent permissions on (tank)
        user marks snapshot
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        user marks create,destroy,mount
# su marks
$ zfs snapshot tank@snap2
cannot create snapshot 'sandbox@snap2': permission denied
$ zfs snapshot tank/marks@snappy

User marks can only create a snapshot below the tank level.

Example 8-6 Defining and Using Complex Delegated Permissions

You can grant specific permissions to users or groups. For example, the following zfs allow command grants specific permissions to the staff group. In addition, destroy and snapshot permissions are granted after tank file systems are created.

# zfs allow staff create,mount tank
# zfs allow tank
Create time permissions on (tank)
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff create

Because marks is a member of the staff group, he can create file systems in tank. In addition, user marks can create a snapshot of tank/marks2 because he has specific permissions. For example:

# su marks
$ zfs create tank/marks2
$ zfs allow tank/marks2
Local permissions on (tank/marks2)
        user marks destroy,snapshot
Create time permissions on (tank)
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff create
        everyone mount

But, he can't create a snapshot in tank/marks because he doesn't have specific permissions. See the listing above. For example:

$ zfs snapshot tank/marks2@snap1
$ zfs snapshot tank/marks@snappp
cannot create snapshot 'tank/marks@snappp': permission denied

You can create snapshot directories if you have create permission in your home directory, for example. This is helpful when your file system is NFS mounted. For example:

$ cd /tank/marks2
$ ls
$ cd .zfs
$ ls
$ cd snapshot
$ ls -l
total 3
drwxr-xr-x   2 marks    staff          2 Dec 15 13:53 snap1
$ pwd
$ mkdir snap2
$ zfs list
tank                   264K  33.2G  33.5K  /tank
tank/marks            24.5K  33.2G  24.5K  /tank/marks
tank/marks2             46K  33.2G  24.5K  /tank/marks2
tank/marks2@snap1     21.5K      -  24.5K  -
tank/marks2@snap2         0      -  24.5K  -
$ ls
snap1  snap2
$ rmdir snap2
$ ls
Example 8-7 Defining and Using a ZFS Delegated Permission Set

The following example creates a permission set @myset and grants the permission set and the rename permission to the group staff for the tank file system. User cindys, a group staff member, has the ability to create a file system in tank but user lp has no permission to create a file system in tank.

# zfs allow -s @myset create,destroy,mount,snapshot,promote,clone,readonly tank
# zfs allow tank
Permission sets on (tank)
        @myset clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,readonly,snapshot
# zfs allow staff @myset,rename tank
# zfs allow tank
Permission sets on (tank)
        @myset clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,readonly,snapshot
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff @myset,rename
# chmod A+group:staff:add_subdirectory:fd:allow tank
# su cindys
cindys% zfs create tank/data
Cindys% zfs allow tank
Permission sets on (tank)
        @myset clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,readonly,snapshot
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff @myset,rename
cindys% ls -l /tank
total 15
drwxr-xr-x   2 cindys   staff          2 Aug  8 14:10 data
cindys% exit
# su lp
$ zfs create tank/lp
cannot create 'tank/lp': permission denied

Removing ZFS Permission (Examples)

You can use the following command to remove granted permissions. For example, user cindys has permission to create, mount, destroy, and snapshot in the tank/cindys file system.

# zfs allow cindys create,destroy,mount,snapshot tank/cindys
       # zfs allow tank/cindys
       Local+Descendent permissions on (tank/cindys)
               user cindys create,destroy,mount,snapshot

This zfs unallow syntax removes user cindys's snapshot permission from the tank/cindys file system.

# zfs unallow cindys snapshot tank/cindys
# zfs allow tank/cindys
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank/cindys)
        user cindys create,destroy,mount
cindys% zfs create tank/cindys/data
cindys% zfs snapshot tank/cindys@today
cannot create snapshot 'tank/cindys@today': permission denied

User marks has the following permissions in tank/marks.

# zfs allow tank/marks
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank/marks)
        user marks create,destroy,mount

The following zfs unallow syntax removes all permissions for user marks from tank/marks.

# zfs unallow marks tank/marks

The following zfs unallow syntax removes a permission set on the tank file system.

# zfs allow tank
Permission sets on (tank)
        @myset clone,create,destroy,mount,promote,readonly,snapshot
Create time permissions on (tank)
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff create,mount
# zfs unallow -s @myset tank
$ zfs allow tank
Create time permissions on (tank)
Local+Descendent permissions on (tank)
        group staff create,mount
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