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Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide
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What Is Trusted Extensions Software?

As the following logo indicates, the Trusted Extensions software package is added to the Solaris OS.

Figure 1-1 Trusted Extensions Logo in CDE
The title describes the graphic.

Trusted Extensions provides special security features for your system. These features enable an organization to define and implement a security policy on a Solaris system. A security policy is the set of rules and practices that help protect information and other resources, such as computer hardware, at your site. Typically, security rules handle such issues as who has access to which information or who is allowed to write data to removable media. Security practices are recommended procedures for performing tasks.

The following sections describe some major security features that Trusted Extensions provides. The text indicates which security features are configurable.

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  Published under the terms fo the Public Documentation License Version 1.01. Design by Interspire