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Solaris Trusted Extensions User's Guide
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Workspace Security (Trusted GNOME)

In Trusted Extensions, Trusted GNOME provides equivalent security to Trusted CDE, but the look and feel is different. As in Trusted CDE, desktop applications are label-aware. Applications run at the label of the current workspace, and display information only at the label of the process that opened the application.

The location of security features differs in Trusted GNOME from their location in Trusted CDE. The behavior can also be different.

  • In Trusted GNOME, the Trusted Path menu is available from the trusted stripe.

  • The label name of a window in the task list on the panel appears in a tooltip when the mouse hovers over the window. Similarly, the label name of a workspace in the switch area appears in the tooltip.

  • To change a role, you click the user or role name in the trusted stripe and choose the role.

  • To add a workspace at a particular label, you select an existing workspace and change its label.

  • The desktop can be configured so that each workspace reflects the color of the label at which you are working in that workspace.

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