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Solaris Trusted Extensions Label Administration
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Configuring Security Text on Print Jobs (Task Map)


For Instructions

Print wording on the front page of a printout

How to Specify the Words in PRINTER BANNERS

Print handling instructions

How to Specify Handling Instructions in CHANNELS

Protect printouts at a higher label than the print job

How to Set a Minimum Protect As Classification

Configure printers to label output

Configuring Labeled Printing (Task Map) in Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures

How to Specify the Words in PRINTER BANNERS

Create the strings that appear at the top of the banner page, and at the start of the handling instructions on the bottom of the page.

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Plan the printer banners.

    For background information, see Specifying Printer Banners.

    For assistance, use Planning the Printer Banners in a Worksheet.

  2. Edit the label_encodings file.

    Use the Edit Encodings action.

  3. Modify the PRINTER BANNERS section of the file.
    1. Create prefixes and suffixes.

      These strings are associated with the WORDS in the printer banner lines of banner and trailer pages.

      name= ORCON;                    prefix;
    2. Enter the names of words to associate with any already-defined compartments in sensitivity labels.

      You can associate compartments with particular prefixes and suffixes.

      name= (FULL SB NAME);            compartments= 3;
      name= (FULL SA NAME);            compartments= 2;
  4. Continue with How to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File.

How to Specify Handling Instructions in CHANNELS

Create the strings that state handling instructions on printer banner pages.

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Plan the prefixes and suffixes.

    For assistance, use Planning the Channels in a Worksheet.

  2. Edit the label_encodings file.

    Use the Edit Encodings action.

  3. Modify the CHANNELS section of the file.
    1. Enter the prefixes or suffixes.

      The WORDS in the CHANNELS lines of banner and trailer pages become prefixes or suffixes.

      name= CHANNELS JOINTLY;         suffix;
      name= CHANNELS ONLY;            suffix;
      name= HANDLE VIA;               prefix;
    2. Enter the names of words to associate with already-defined compartments in sensitivity labels.

      You can use the defined prefixes and suffixes.

      name= (CH C);   prefix= HANDLE VIA; suffix= CHANNELS JOINTLY;
      compartments= 6;
      name= (CH B);   prefix= HANDLE VIA; suffix= CHANNELS JOINTLY;
      compartments= 1;
      name= (CH A);   prefix= HANDLE VIA; suffix= CHANNELS JOINTLY;
      compartments= 0;
  4. Continue with How to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File.

How to Set a Minimum Protect As Classification

The minimum protect as classification protects all printer output at the specified minimum classification or above. Site security policy might require this setting if lower-level information must be protected at a higher label.

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Set a minimum protect as classification.

    This classification is defined in the ACCREDITATION RANGE section of an encodings file.

  2. Continue with How to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File.
Example 4-9 Minimum Protect As Classification From a label_encodings File

This example shows a minimum protect as classification. This classification is defined in the ACCREDITATION RANGE section of the label_encodings.simple file. With this setting, files that are labeled INTERNAL print with NEED_TO_KNOW on the banner and trailer pages.

minimum protect as classification= NEED_TO_KNOW;
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