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Solaris Trusted Extensions Installation and Configuration
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Task Map: Configuring Trusted Extensions

For a secure installation, create roles early in the configuration process. The order of tasks when roles configure the system is shown in the following task map.

1. Configure the global zone.


For Instructions

Protect machine hardware by requiring a password to change hardware settings.

Controlling Access to System Hardware in System Administration Guide: Security Services

Configure labels. Labels must be configured for your site. If you plan to use the default label_encodings file, you can skip this task.

Check and Install Your Label Encodings File

If you are running an IPv6 network, you modify the /etc/system file to enable IP to recognize labeled packets.

Enable IPv6 Networking in Trusted Extensions

If you plan to use a Solaris ZFS snapshot to clone zones, create the ZFS pool. ZFS is derived from and an acronym for “zettabyte file system”.

Create ZFS Pool for Cloning Zones

Boot to activate a labeled environment. Upon login, you are in the global zone. The system's label_encodings file enforces mandatory access control (MAC).

Reboot and Log In to Trusted Extensions

Initialize the Solaris Management Console. This GUI is used to label zones, among other tasks.

Initialize the Solaris Management Console Server in Trusted Extensions

Create the Security Administrator role and other roles that you plan to use locally. You create these roles just as you would create them in the Solaris OS.

You can delay this task until the end. For the consequences, see Devising an Installation and Configuration Strategy for Trusted Extensions.

Creating Roles and Users in Trusted Extensions

Verify That the Trusted Extensions Roles Work

Skip the next set of tasks if you are using local files administer the system.

2. Configure a naming service.


For Instructions

If you plan to use files to administer Trusted Extensions, you can skip the following tasks.

No configuration is required for the files naming service.

If you have an existing Sun JavaTM System Directory Server (LDAP server), add Trusted Extensions databases to the server. Then make your first Trusted Extensions system a proxy of the LDAP server.

If you do not have an LDAP server, then configure your first system as the server.

Chapter 5, Configuring LDAP for Trusted Extensions (Tasks)

Manually set up an LDAP toolbox for the Solaris Management Console. The toolbox can be used to modify Trusted Extensions attributes on network objects.

Configuring the Solaris Management Console for LDAP (Task Map)

For systems that are not the LDAP server or proxy server, make them an LDAP client.

Make the Global Zone an LDAP Client in Trusted Extensions

In the LDAP scope, create the Security Administrator role and other roles that you plan to use.

You can delay this task until the end. For the consequences, see Devising an Installation and Configuration Strategy for Trusted Extensions.

Creating Roles and Users in Trusted Extensions

Verify That the Trusted Extensions Roles Work

3. Create labeled zones.


For Instructions

Run the txzonemgr command.

Follow the menus to configure the network interfaces, then create and customize the first labeled zone. After all zones are successfully customized, you can add zone-specific network addresses to the labeled zones.

Creating Labeled Zones

Or, use Trusted CDE actions.

Appendix B, Using CDE Actions to Install Zones in Trusted Extensions

Many of the next set of tasks are described in Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures.

4. Complete system setup.


For Instructions

Identify additional remote hosts that require a label, one or more multilevel ports, or a different control message policy.

Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map) in Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures

Create a multilevel home directory server, then automount the installed zones.

Creating Home Directories in Trusted Extensions

Configure auditing, mount file systems, and perform other tasks before enabling users to log in to the system.

Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures

Add users from an NIS environment to your LDAP server.

Add an NIS User to the LDAP Server

Add a host and its labeled zones to the LDAP server.

Configuring Trusted Network Databases (Task Map) in Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator’s Procedures

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