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Solaris Trusted Extensions Installation and Configuration
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Installing the Solaris Trusted Extensions Packages (Tasks)

Before you install the packages, you should have completed the tasks in Installing or Upgrading the Solaris OS for Trusted Extensions and Collecting Information and Making Decisions Before Installing Trusted Extensions.

Install the Solaris Trusted Extensions Packages

Packages can be added by using the Java wizard or the pkgadd command. For options to the pkgadd command, see the pkgadd(1M) man page.

  1. Insert the Solaris installation media into the drive.
  2. Navigate to the Trusted_Extensions directory.
    # cd Solaris_release-number/ExtraValue/CoBundled/Trusted_Extensions
  3. Load all packages.

    Choose one of the following options:

    • Use the Java wizard.
      # java wizard

      A Java installation GUI prompts you to install the packages.

    • From the Packages directory, use the pkgadd command.
      # cd Packages
      # pkgadd -d .
      1. Press Return to load all the packages.
      2. Answer y to all the prompts.
  4. Check for the proper installation of the packages.
    • In the Java wizard, click the Details button.
    • From the command line, scroll back through the log.

      You can also go to the /var/sadm/install/logs directory and read the log.

      Tip - You can also use the pkginfo command to confirm that the packages are installed.

      # pkginfo | grep Trust
      system      SUNWdttshelp            Trusted Extensions, CDE Desktop Help
      system      SUNWdttsr               Trusted Extensions, CDE Desktop, (Root)
      system      SUNWdttsu               Trusted Extensions, CDE Desktop, (Usr)
      system      SUNWmgts                Trusted Extensions, SMC
      system      SUNWtsg                 Trusted Extensions global
      system      SUNWtsman               Trusted Extensions Man Pages
      application SUNWtsmc                Trusted Extensions SMC Server
      system      SUNWtsr                 Trusted Extensions, (Root)
      system      SUNWtsu                 Trusted Extensions, (Usr)
      system      SUNWxwts                Trusted Extensions, X Window System


Java wizard – If the message Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: wizard appears, then you invoked the wizard from the wrong directory.

Next Steps

If you are upgrading a Solaris Trusted Extensions system, read the following before continuing:

Solaris 10 Release Notes

Solaris 10 Release Notes

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