To use RBAC effectively requires planning. Use the following task map to plan and initially implement RBAC at your site.
For Instructions
1. Plan for RBAC
Involves examining your site's security needs, and deciding how to use RBAC at your site.
How to Plan Your RBAC Implementation
2. Learn to use the Solaris Management Console
Involves becoming familiar with the Solaris Management Console.
Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
3. Configure the first user and role
Uses the RBAC configuration tools in the Solaris Management Console to create a user and a role, and to assign the role to the user.
Using the Solaris Management Tools With RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
4. (Optional) Create other users who can assume roles
Ensures that users who can assume an administrative role exist.
5. (Recommended) Create other roles and assign them to users
Uses the RBAC tools to create roles for particular administrative areas, and to assign the roles to users.
How to Create and Assign a Role by Using the GUI
Example 9-5
Uses the command line to create roles, and to assign the roles to users
How to Create a Role From the Command Line
How to Assign a Role to a Local User
6. (Recommended) Audit role actions
Preselect an audit class that includes the audit event that records role actions.
How to Audit Roles
7. (Optional) Make root user a role
Prevents anonymous root login, which is a security hole.
How to Make root User Into a Role