The Key Management Framework (KMF) enables you to centrally manage public key technologies.
For Instructions
Create a certificate.
Creates a certificate for use by PKCS #11, NSS, or SSL.
How to Create a Certificate by Using the pktool gencert Command
Export a certificate.
Creates a file with the certificate and its supporting keys. The file can be protected with a password.
How to Export a Certificate and Private Key in PKCS #12 Format
Import a certificate.
Imports a certificate from another system.
How to Import a Certificate Into Your Keystore
Imports a certificate in PKCS #12 format from another system.
Example 15-2
Generate a passphrase.
Generates a passphrase for access to a PKCS #11 keystore or an NSS keystore.
How to Generate a Passphrase by Using the pktool setpin Command
Generate a symmetric key.
Generates symmetric keys for use in encrypting files, creating a MAC of a file, and for applications.
How to Generate a Symmetric Key by Using the pktool Command
Add a plugin to KMF.
Installs, modifies, and lists a plugin. Also, removes the plugin from the KMF.
How to Manage Third-Party Plugins in KMF