Conventions for Binary Audit File Names
Each binary audit file is a self-contained collection of records. The file's name
identifies the time span during which the records were generated and the system
that generated them.
Binary Audit File Names
Audit files that are complete have names of the following form:
- start-time
Is the time that the first audit record in the audit file was generated
- end-time
Is the time that the last record was written to the file
- system
Is the name of the system that generated the file
An audit file that is still active has a name of the
following form:
For examples of not_terminated and closed audit file names, see How to Clean Up a not_terminated Audit File.
Binary Audit File Timestamps
The timestamps in file names are used by the auditreduce command to locate
records within a specific time range. These timestamps are important because there can
be a month's accumulation or more of audit files online. To search all
the files for records that were generated in the last 24 hours would
be unacceptably expensive.
The start-time and end-time are timestamps with one-second resolution. They are specified in
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The format is four digits for the year, followed
by two digits for each month, day, hour, minute, and second, as follows:
The timestamps are in GMT to ensure that they sort in proper
order, even across time zones. Because they are in GMT, the date and
hour must be translated to the current time zone to be meaningful. Beware
of this point whenever you manipulate these files with standard file commands rather
than with the auditreduce command.