Virtual Hosting
Virtual hosting allows the FTP server to support multiple domains on the same
machine. Each virtual host requires a separate logical interface and IP address.
The FTP server supports two types of virtual hosting: limited and complete.
With limited virtual hosting, the same configuration files are used for all virtual
hosts. With complete virtual hosting, separate configuration files can be used for each
virtual host.
Note - By default, real and guest users are not allowed to log in
to virtual hosts. You can set the following ftpaccess directives to override the default.
To allow access to specific users:
virtual address allow username
To deny access to anonymous users:
virtual address private username
See ftpaccess(4) for further information.
How to Enable Limited Virtual Hosting
Limited virtual hosting provides partial support for virtual FTP servers. You can enable
support for limited virtual hosting by specifying the virtual root directory. If required,
you can also set the following parameters for the virtual host in the
ftpaccess file:
All directives in the ftpaccess file are shared globally across all virtual servers.
- Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
To configure a role with the Primary Administrator profile, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.
- Add the following entries to the ftpaccess file.
virtual address root|banner|logfile path
virtual address hostname|email string
- virtual
Keyword that is used to enable virtual server capabilities
- address
IP address of the virtual server
- root
The root directory of the virtual server
- banner
Banner file that is displayed when a connection is made to the virtual server
- logfile
Record of file transfers that are made to and from the virtual server
- path
Variable that is used to specify the location of directories and files on the virtual server
- email
Email address that is used in message files and in the HELP command
- hostname
Name of the host that is shown in the greeting message or status command
- string
Variable that is used to specify email or hostname parameters
Note - While it is possible to use hostname as the address of the
virtual server, you are strongly encouraged to use the IPv4 address instead. DNS
must be available when the FTP connection is received in order for hostname
to be matched. For an IPv6 host, use the host name rather than
the IPv6 address.
Example 28-15 Enabling Limited Virtual Hosting in the
ftpaccess File
virtual root /var/ftp/virtual/ftp-serv
virtual banner /var/ftp/virtual/ftp-serv/banner.msg
virtual logfile /var/log/ftp/virtual/ftp-serv/xferlog
The preceding example sets the location of the root directory, banner, and
logfile on a virtual FTP server.
Example 28-16 Enabling Limited Virtual Hosting on the Command Line
The ftpaddhost(1M) script with the -l option is provided to configure limited virtual
In the following example, ftpaddhost is run with -l -b -x options
to configure limited virtual hosting with a test banner and the logfile /var/ftp/virtual/
under a virtual root /var/ftp/virtual/
# ftpaddhost -l -b -x /var/ftp/virtual/ \
How to Enable Complete Virtual Hosting
Complete virtual hosting allows separate configuration files for each virtual domain. To enable
complete support for virtual hosting on the FTP server, you can create or
modify the following FTP configuration files for specific domains:
For further information, see ftpaccess(4), ftpusers(4), ftpgroups(4), ftphosts(4), and ftpconversions(4).
Note - If separate versions of the configuration files are unavailable, master versions of the
files in the /etc/ftpd directory are used.
- Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
To configure a role with the Primary Administrator profile, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.
- Add the following entry to the /etc/ftpd/ftpservers file.
address /config-file-dir
- address
IP address of the virtual server
- config-file-dir
Directory that contains the configuration files that are customized for the virtual host
Note - While it is possible to use hostname as the address of the
virtual server, you are strongly encouraged to use the IPv4 address instead. DNS
must be available when the FTP connection is received in order for hostname
to be matched. For an IPv6 host, use the host name rather than
the IPv6 address.
- To create a customized version of an FTP server configuration file for the
virtual host, copy the master version of the file from /etc/ftpd to the
/config-file-dir directory.
For further information, see ftpservers(4).
Example 28-17 Enabling Complete Virtual Hosting in the
ftpservers file
# FTP Server virtual hosting configuration file
# /net/inet/virtual/somedomain/ /net/inet/virtual/anotherdomain/
The preceding example specifies the IP addresses for two different domains on the
virtual server.
Example 28-18 Enabling Complete Virtual Hosting from the Command Line
The ftpaddhost(1M) script with the -c option is provided to configure complete virtual
In the following example, ftpaddhost is run with -c -b -x options
to configure complete virtual hosting with a test banner and the logfile /var/ftp/virtual/
under a virtual root /var/ftp/virtual/
# ftpaddhost -c -b -x /var/ftp/virtual/ \