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System Administration Guide: Network Services
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Running UUCP Over TCP/IP

To run UUCP on a TCP/IP network, you need to make a few modifications, as described in this section.

How to Activate UUCP for TCP/IP

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services. To configure a role with the Primary Administrator profile, see Chapter 2, Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

  2. Edit the /etc/uucp/Systems file to ensure that the entries have the following fields:

    System-Name Time TCP Port networkname Standard-Login-Chat

    A typical entry would resemble the following:

    rochester Any TCP - ur-seneca login: Umachine password: xxx

    Notice that the networkname field permits you to specify explicitly the TCP/IP host name. This capability is important for some sites. In the previous example, the site has the UUCP node name rochester, which is different from its TCP/IP host name ur-seneca. Moreover, a completely different machine could easily run UUCP and have the TCP/IP host name of rochester.

    The Port field in the Systems file should have the entry -. This syntax is equivalent to listing the entry as uucp. In almost every situation, the networkname is the same as the system name, and the Port field is -, which says to use the standard uucp port from the services database. The in.uucpd daemon expects the remote machine to send its login and password for authentication, and in.uucpd prompts for them, much as getty and login do.

  3. Edit the /etc/inet/services file to set up a port for UUCP:
    uucp    540/tcp    uucpd        # uucp daemon

    You should not have to change the entry. However, if your machine runs NIS or NIS+ as its name service, you should change the /etc/nsswitch.conf entry for /etc/services to check files first, then check nis or nisplus.

  4. Verify that UUCP is enabled.
    # svcs network/uucp

    The UUCP service is managed by the Service Management Facility. To query the status of this service, you can use the svcs command. For an overview of the Service Management Facility, refer to Chapter 14, Managing Services (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Basic Administration.

  5. (Optional) If necessary, enable UUCP by typing the following:
    # inetadm -e network/uucp
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