Getting Started With the Java Web Console
The Java Web Console's launch page lists the registered system management applications that
you have permission to use, and displays a brief description of each application.
You connect to a specific application by clicking its application name, which is
a link to the actual application. By default, the selected application opens in
the web console window. You can choose to open applications in separate browser
windows by clicking the Start Each Application in a New Window check box.
When you open applications in separate windows, the web console launch page remains
available, so you can return to it and launch multiple applications under a
single login.
To access the console launch page, type a URL of the following format
in the web location field:
where the following applies:
https specifies a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection
hostname.domain specifies the name and domain of the server that is hosting the console
6789 is the console's assigned port number
Note - The first time you access the Java Web Console from a particular system,
you must accept the server's certificate before the web console's launch page is
If RBAC is enabled on the system, and your user identity is
assigned to a role, you are prompted for a role password after you
have successfully logged in. If you assume a role, authorization checks are made
for the assumed role. You can opt out of assuming a role by
selecting NO ROLE, and then authorization checks are made against your user identity.
Following a successful authorization check, the web console launch page is displayed.
How to Start Applications From the Java Web Console's Launch Page
- Start a web browser that is compatible with the Java Web Console, such
as Firefox 1.0.
See Supported Web Browsers for a list of supported browsers.
- Type the console's URL in the web browser's location field.
For example, if the management server host is named sailfish, and the domain
is sw, the URL is https://sailfish.sw:6789. This URL takes you to the
web console login page.
- Accept the server's certificate.
You only have to accept the server's certificate once per browser session, not
each time you login to the console or start an application.
The login page is displayed as shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-1 Java Web Console Login Page
- Enter your user name and password, and optionally your RBAC role.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
The console services check your credentials to authenticate them, and ensure that you
are authorized to use the console and registered applications.
- Click the Start Each Application in a New Window check box if you
want to run the application in a new window.
If you do not select this option, the application will run in the
default window, replacing the launch page.
- Click the link for the application that you want to run.
Tip - You can also launch an individual application directly and bypass the launch page
by using the following syntax:
where app-context-name is the name that is used when the application is deployed.
To find the application context name, you can do one of the
Read the application's documentation.
Run the wcadmin list -a or the smreg list -a command to see a list of deployed web applications and their context names.
Run the application from the web console's launch page and note the URL that is displayed in the address location field. You can type the URL directly the next time you use the application. Or, you can bookmark the location and access the application through the bookmark.