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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Managing SMF Services (Task Map)



For Instructions

Disable a service instance.

Stops a running service and prevents the service from restarting.

How to Disable a Service Instance

Enable a service instance.

Starts a service. In addition, the service will be restarted during subsequent reboots.

How to Enable a Service Instance

Restarting a service.

Stops and starts a service with one command

How to Restart a Service

Restoring a service in maintenance state.

Shows how to clean up and restart a service that is in maintenance state.

How to Restore a Service That Is in the Maintenance State

Revert to a snapshot.

Uses a previous snapshot to correct problems with a service.

How to Revert to Another SMF Snapshot

Create an profile.

Create a profile to disable or enable services as needed.

How to Create an SMF Profile

Apply a profile.

Uses the information in a profile to disable or enable services as needed.

How to Apply an SMF Profile

Change the services and their configuration using the netservices command.

Uses the information in the generic_limited.xml or generic_open.xml profiles to disable or enable services and make configuration changes to those services, as well.

Changing Services Offered to the Network with generic*.xml

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