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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Troubleshooting the Java Web Console Software (Task Map)



For Instructions

Check to determine if the console is running and enabled.

Use the smcwebserver, wcadmin, and svcs commands to check if the console is running and enabled. This information is useful for troubleshooting problems.

How to Check if the Console is Running and Enabled

List console resources and properties.

You might need to gather information about the console resources and properties for troubleshooting purposes.

How to List Console Resources and Properties

Determine if an application is a legacy application.

Current applications are registered and deployed with a single command while the console server is running. Legacy applications require the console server to be stopped during registration. If you need to register or unregister an application, you must first determine if the application is a legacy application

How to Determine if an Application is a Legacy Application

List all registered applications.

You can list all applications that are registered with the Java Web Console. Listing all registered applications provides you with information that can be helpful in troubleshooting situations.

How to List Deployed Applications

Register a legacy application with the Java Web Console.

If you need to use a legacy application, you must first register the application with the Java Web Console.

How to Register a Legacy Application With the Java Web Console

Unregister a legacy application from the Java Web Console.

If you do not want a legacy application registered with the Java Web Console, follow the procedure to unregister the legacy application.

How to Unregister a Legacy Application From the Java Web Console

Register a current application with the Java Web Console.

Before using a new application, you need to register the application with the Java Web Console.

How to Register a Current Application With the Java Web Console

Unregister a current application from the Java Web Console.

In some situations, you might need to unregister a current application from the Java Web Console.

How to Unregister a Current Application from the Java Web Console

Enable remote Access to the Java Web Console.

You can enable remote access only to the console, while leaving the other access restrictions in place.

How to Enable Remote Access to the Java Web Console

Change the console's internal passwords

The Java Web Console uses internal passwords. To reduce the possibility of a security breach, you can change these passwords.

How to Change the Console's Internal Passwords

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