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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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SMF and Booting

SMF provides new methods for booting a system. For instance:

  • There is a additional system state which is associated with the all milestone. With the all milestone, all of the services with a defined dependency on the multi-user-server milestone are started, as well as any services that do not have a defined dependency. If you have added services, such as third party products, they may not be started automatically unless you use the following command:

    ok boot -m milestone=all
  • When booting a system, you can choose to use the verbose option to see more messages. By default, the system will not display these messages. To boot in the verbose mode, use the following command:

    ok boot -mverbose
  • There is a new system state which is associated with the none milestone. Only init, svc.startd and svc.configd are started if you boot a system using this milestone. This state can be very useful for debugging booting problems. In particular, debugging any problems with the configuration of SMF services is made simpler, because none of the services are started. See How to Boot Without Starting Any Services for instructions on how to use the none milestone.

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