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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Managing Software With the Solaris Product Registry Command-Line Interface

The prodreg command is the command-line interface (CLI) to the Solaris Product Registry. The prodreg command supports several subcommands that enable you to manage the software on your system.

You can use the prodreg command in a terminal window to perform the following tasks:

  • View a list of installed and registered software and software attributes.

  • View all Solaris system products that you installed in their localized version in the System Software Localizations directory.

  • Identify damaged software.

  • Remove software entries from the Solaris Product Registry.

  • Uninstall software and individual software packages.

For more information on how to manage the Solaris Product Registry by using the command-line interface, see the prodreg(1M) man page.

How to View Installed or Uninstalled Software Information (prodreg)

You can view information about software in the Solaris Product Registry in a terminal window by using the browse subcommand to the prodreg command.

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Browse the Solaris Product Registry.
    % prodreg browse
        BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
        ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
        1        -      root                                  1  System 
        2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 11 
        3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

    The browse subcommand to the prodreg command displays the following information about registered software.

    BROWSE #

    When you use the prodreg browse command, the Solaris Product Registry generates a browse number for each registered software component. This number can be used as an argument to either the prodreg browse command or the info subcommand to descend the hierarchy of specific registered components.

    Note - Browse numbers might change when you reboot or reinstall your system. Do not store browse numbers in scripts or attempt to reuse them between separate login sessions.


    This field indicates if a software component has additional software component children registered in the Solaris Product Registry.

    The following characters are displayed in this field:

    • + indicates that the software component has additional children components that are not currently displayed.

    • - indicates that the software component has additional children components that are currently displayed.

    • . indicates that the software component does not have children components.


    This field lists the software's unique identifier in the Solaris Product Registry.


    This field indicates the instance number of the software component on the system. If the system contains multiple instances of a software component, the Solaris Product Registry assigns a separate instance number to each instance of the component.


    This field lists the localized name of the software. The name of the Solaris OS in this sample output is the Solaris 10 system software.

  3. Browse the information for one of the software components that are listed in the Solaris Product Registry.
    % prodreg browse -m "name"

    The -mname” command displays information on the software component with the name name.

  4. If the system contains multiple instances of name software, type the following command to browse the Solaris Product Registry:
    % prodreg browse -u name-UUID -i instance -n number
    -u name-UUID

    Displays information on the name software component with the unique identifier name-UUID.

    -i instance

    Displays information on the name software component with the instance number instance.

    -n number

    Displays software information by referencing the component's browse number number.

  5. Repeat Step 3 and Step 4 for each software component that you want to browse.
Example 19-1 Viewing Software Information by Component Name (prodreg)

The following example shows how to view software information by referencing the component's name.

% prodreg browse
    BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1        -      root                                  1  System 
    2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10  
    3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

% prodreg browse -m "Solaris 10 System Software"
Example 19-2 Viewing Software Information by Component Browse Number (prodreg)

The following example shows how to use the -n option with the prodreg browse command to view software information by referencing the component's browse number.

% prodreg browse
    BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1        -      root                                  1  System 
    2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
    3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

% prodreg browse -n 2
Example 19-3 Viewing Software Information by Component UUID (prodreg)

The following example shows how to use the -u option with the prodreg browse command to view software information by referencing the component's UUID. The UUID is the software's unique identifier in the Solaris Product Registry.

% prodreg browse
    BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1        -      root                                  1  System 
    2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
    3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

% prodreg browse -u a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b

How to View Software Attributes (prodreg)

You can view specific software attributes by using the info subcommand of the prodreg command.

The prodreg info command displays a variety of information about registered software, including the following items:

  • Software component name

  • Software component description

  • Required components of the software

  • Other components that require the software

  • Base directory of the software

  • Path to the software component

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Browse the Solaris Product Registry.
    % prodreg browse
        BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
        ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
        1        -      root                                  1  System 
        2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
        3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified
  3. View the attributes for one of the listed software components.
    % prodreg info -m "name"

    The -mname” command displays the attributes of the software component with the name name.

  4. Repeat Step 3 for each software component you want to view.
Example 19-4 Viewing Software Attributes by Component Name (prodreg)

The following example shows how to view software attributes by referencing the component's name.

% prodreg browse
    BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1        -      root                                  1  System 
    2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
    3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

% prodreg info -m "Solaris 10 System Software"
Example 19-5 Viewing Software Attributes by Component Browse Number (prodreg)

The following example shows how to use the -n option with the prodreg info command to view software attributes by referencing the component's browse number.

% prodreg browse
    BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1        -      root                                  1  System 
    2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
    3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

% prodreg info -n 2
Example 19-6 Viewing Software Attributes by Component UUID (prodreg)

The following example shows how to use the -u option with the prodreg info command to view software attributes by referencing the component's UUID. The UUID is the software's unique identifier in the Solaris Product Registry.

% prodreg browse
    BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1        -      root                                  1  System 
    2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
    3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

% prodreg info -u a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b

How to Check for Software Dependencies (prodreg)

You can use the prodreg info command to view components that depend on a specific software component. You might want to check dependencies between software products before you uninstall specific components.

  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Browse the Solaris Product Registry.
    % prodreg browse
        BROWSE # +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
        ======== =====  ====================================  =  ============
        1        -      root                                  1  System 
        2         +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
        3         +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified

    Repeat the prodreg browse command until the software component you want to check is displayed. See How to View Installed or Uninstalled Software Information (prodreg) for more information on browsing the Solaris Product Registry by using the prodreg browse command.

  3. View the dependencies of a specific software component.
    % prodreg info -m "name" -a "Dependent Components"

    Displays the attributes of the software component with the name name.

    -a “Dependent Components”

    Displays components that depend on name software by displaying the values of the Dependent Components attribute.

    This command output lists the software components that depend on name software.

Example 19-7 Viewing Components That Depend on Other Software Products (prodreg)

The following example shows how to view the components that depend on the software product that is named ExampleSoft.

% prodreg -m "ExampleSoft" -a "Dependent Components"
Dependent Components:
Name                         UUID                                  #
---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
ExampleSoftA                 7f49ecvb-1ii2-11b2-a3f1-0800119u7e8e  1

How to Identify Damaged Software Products (prodreg)

If you remove installed software files or packages without using the appropriate uninstaller, you can damage the software on your system. If software is damaged, the software might not function properly. You can use the info subcommand of the prodreg command to help you determine if a software product is damaged.

  1. View the Solaris Product Registry information on the software you want to check.
    % prodreg browse -m name
    BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1         -      root                                  1  System 
    2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
    3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
    4          -     name-UUID                              1  name
    233         .    component-a-pkg                           1  component-a
    234         .    component-b-pkg                           1

    Displays information on the software component with the name name.


    Specifies the UUID of the name software component.


    Specifies the package name of the component-a component that depends on name software.


    Specifies the name of a component that depends on name software.


    Specifies the package name of the component-b component that depends on name software.

    In the previous sample output, the component-b-pkg entry does not have an associated name in the Name field. If a software component name is not displayed in the Solaris Product Registry, the component might be damaged.

  2. Verify that the software component is damaged.
    % prodreg info -u name-UUID -i 1 -d
    -u name-UUID

    Displays information on the name software component.

    -i 1

    Displays information on the first instance of the name software component.


    Displays the value of the isDamaged attribute of the name software component.

    The output isDamaged=TRUE indicates that the name software component is damaged.

  3. Identify the packages that form the name-UUID software component.
    % prodreg info -u name-UUID -i 1 -a PKGS
    component-a-pkg component-b-pkg
  4. Verify that these packages are installed on the system.
    % pkginfo component-a-pkg
    application component-a-pkg component-a
    % pkginfo component-b-pkg
    ERROR: information on "component-b-pkg" was not found

    The error message output of the pkginfo component-b-pkg command indicates that the component-b-pkg package has been removed from the system. The name software component might not work without the component-b-pkg package.

Example 19-8 Identifying Damaged Software Components (prodreg)

The following example shows how to determine if the ExampleSoft software component is damaged.

% prodreg browse -m Examplesoft
BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
1         -      root                                  1  System 
2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
4          -     95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1  ExampleSoft
233         .    90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be  1  Example Doc
234         .    EXSOzzt                               1
235         .    EXSOblob                              1  Example Data

The ExampleSoft child component EXSOzzt does not have an entry in the NAME field. The ExampleSoft software might be damaged. You would use the prodreg info command with the -u, -i, and -d options to determine if the ExampleSoft software is damaged.

% prodreg info -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1 -d 

The output isDamaged=TRUE indicates that the ExampleSoft software is damaged. You would use the -a PKGS option of the prodreg info command to identify the ExampleSoft software packages.

% prodreg info -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1 -a PKGS 
EXSOzzt EXSOblob

To verify that the EXSOzzt and EXSOblob packages are installed on the system, you would use the pkginfo command.

% pkginfo EXSOzzt 
ERROR: information for "EXSOzzt" was not found 

% pkginfo EXSOblob
application EXSOblob       Example Data

The output of the pkginfo command indicates that the EXSOzzt package is not installed on the system. Thus, the ExampleSoft software is damaged.

How to Uninstall Software (prodreg)

You can use the uninstall subcommand of the prodreg command to remove software from your system. When you uninstall software by using the prodreg uninstall command, you remove a specified software and all the child components associated with that software. Before you remove software, verify that other software does not depend on the software you want to uninstall. See How to Check for Software Dependencies (prodreg).

After you uninstall software, you can remove that software and all the child components of that software from the Solaris Product Registry by using the prodreg unregister -r command.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. View the information on the software you want to uninstall.
    # prodreg browse -u name-UUID
    BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1         -      root                                  1  System 
    2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
    3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
    1423       -     name-UUID                              1  name
    1436        .    component-a-UUID                          1  component-a
    1437        -    component-b-UUID                          1  component-b
    1462         .   component-c-UUID                          1  component-c
    -u name-UUID

    Displays information on the software component with the unique identifier name-UUID.


    Specifies the name of the software component you want to uninstall with the unique identifier name-UUID.

    . component-a-UUID

    Specifies the unique identifier of the component-a software component that is required by name software.


    Specifies the name of a component that is required by name software.

    - component-b-UUID

    Specifies the unique identifier of the component-b component that is required by name software. The - symbol indicates that component-b requires an additional software component.


    Specifies the name of a software component that is required by name software.

    . component-c-UUID

    Specifies the unique identifier of the component-b software component that is required by component-b software.


    Specifies the name of a software component that is required by component-b software.

  3. Uninstall the software.
    # prodreg uninstall -u name-UUID 
  4. Check the dependencies for the software that you want to uninstall.
    # prodreg info -u name-UUID
    Title: name
    Child Components:
    Name                        UUID                                  #
    --------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    component-a                    component-a-UUID                        1
    component-b                    component-b-UUID                        1
    Required Components:
    Name                        UUID                                  #
    --------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    component-a                    component-a-UUID                        1
    component-b                    component-b-UUID                        1

    Check the following information in the output of the prodreg info command.

    • Child Components – Lists the software components that are associated with the name software component. When you unregister the name software, you also unregister the child components of name software. If the output of the previous prodreg info command lists any child components, verify that you want to unregister these child components.

    • Required Components – Lists the software components that are required by the name software component. Software components might require other components that are not child components. When you uninstall and unregister a component, only child components are unregistered and uninstalled.

    • Dependent Components – Lists the components that require name software to run. When you unregister the name software, you also unregister the dependent components of name software. If the output of the prodreg info command lists any dependent components, verify that you want to unregister these dependent components.

    In the previous sample output, name software does not have any dependent components.

  5. Check the dependencies of name software's child components.
    # prodreg info -u component-a-UUID -i 1 -a "Dependent Components"
    Dependent Components:
    Name                         UUID                                  #
    ---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    name                          name-UUID                             1
    # prodreg info -u component-b-UUID -i 1 -a "Dependent Components"
    Dependent Components:
    Name                         UUID                                  #
    ---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    name                          name-UUID                             1
    # prodreg info -u component-c-UUID -i 1 -a "Dependent Components"
    Dependent Components:
    Name                         UUID                                  #
    ---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    component-b                     component-b-UUID                        1

    The sample output shows that no other software depends on the child components of name software.

  6. Unregister the software and its child components.
    # prodreg unregister -r -u name-UUID -i 1

    Recursively unregisters software with the unique identifier name-UUID and all the child components of this software.

    -u name-UUID

    Specifies the unique identifier of the software you want to unregister.

    -i 1

    Specifies the instance of the software you want to unregister.

Example 19-9 Uninstalling Software Components (prodreg)

The following example shows how to uninstall ExampleSoft software and all the child components of ExampleSoft software.

# prodreg browse -m "ExampleSoft"
BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
1         -      root                                  1  System 
2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
1423       -     95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1  ExampleSoft
1436        .    90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be  1  Example Doc
1437        -    EXSOzzt                               1  Example Data
1462         .   EXSOblob                              1  Example Data

# prodreg uninstall -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1

# prodreg info -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be
Title: ExampleSoft Software
Child Components:
Name                        UUID                                  #
--------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
Example Doc                 90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be  1
Example Data                EXSOzzt                               1

Required Components:
Name                        UUID                                  #
--------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
Example Doc                 90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be  1
Example Data                EXSOzzt                               1

# prodreg info -u 90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be -i 1 -a "Dependent Components"
Dependent Components:
Name                         UUID                                  #
---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
ExampleSoft                  95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1

# prodreg info -u EXSOzzt -i 1 -a "Dependent Components"
Dependent Components:
Name                         UUID                                  #
---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
ExampleSoft                  95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1

# prodreg info -u EXSOblob -i 1 -a "Dependent Components"
Dependent Components:
Name                         UUID                                  #
---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
Example Data                 EXSOzzt                               1

# prodreg unregister -r -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1

How to Uninstall Damaged Software (prodreg)

If you try to uninstall a damaged software component by using the prodreg uninstall command, the command might fail. This failure can occur if the uninstaller program for the software component has been removed from the system.

Follow these steps to uninstall a software component with no associated uninstaller program on the system.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. View the information on the software you want to uninstall.
    # prodreg browse -m "name"
    BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1         -      root                                  1  System 
    2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
    3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
    4           -    UUID                                  1  name
    1436        .    component-a-UUID                         1  component-a
    1437        .    component-b-UUID                         1  

    Displays information on the name software component you want to uninstall.


    Specifies the UUID of the software component you want to uninstall.

    . component-a-UUID

    Specifies the UUID of the component-a software component.


    Specifies the name of a child software component of name software.

    . component-b-UUID

    Specifies the UUID of a child software component of name software.

    The component-b-UUID entry does not have an associated component name. The missing name value might indicate that this component is damaged.

  3. Uninstall the software.
    # prodreg uninstall -u UUID -i 1
    The install program requested could not be found
    -u UUID

    Specifies the UUID of the software component you want to uninstall.

    -i 1

    Specifies the instance of the software you want to uninstall.

    The error message indicates that the uninstaller program is not on the system.

  4. Identify the uninstaller program for the software component.
    # prodreg info -m "name" -a uninstallprogram
    uninstallprogram: /usr/bin/java -mx64m -classpath 
    uninstaller-location uninstall_name

    Displays information on the name software component.

    -a uninstallprogram

    Displays information on the uninstaller program that is associated with the name software component.


    Specifies the registered location of the uninstaller program for the name software component.

  5. Determine if the uninstaller is in the registered location.
    # ls uninstaller-location
    No such file or directory

    The output of the ls command indicates that the uninstaller program is not in the registered location.

  6. Remove the software from the system in one of the following ways:
    • If you have a system backup available, follow these steps:
      1. Load the uninstaller program from the backup.
      2. Run the uninstaller program from a shell command-line interface such as a terminal window.
    • If you do not have access to the uninstaller program on a backup, follow these steps:
      1. Unregister the software component.
        # prodreg unregister -u UUID -i 1
      2. Remove any remaining registered components that are required by the software you want to remove.
        # pkgrm component-a-UUID
Example 19-10 Uninstalling Damaged Software (prodreg)

The following example shows how to uninstall the damaged ExampleSoft software. In this example, the uninstaller program is not readily available on a system backup.

# prodreg browse -m Examplesoft
BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
1         -      root                                  1  System 
2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
4          -     95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1  ExampleSoft
233         .    90209809-9785-b89e-c821-0472985982be  1  Example Doc
234         .    EXSOzzt                               1
235         .    EXSOblob                              1  Example Data

# prodreg uninstall -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1
The install program requested could not be found

# prodreg info -m "ExampleSoft" -a uninstallprogram
uninstallprogram: /usr/bin/java -mx64m -classpath 
/var/sadm/prod/org.example.ExampleSoft/987573587 uninstall_ExampleSoft

# ls /var/sadm/prod/org.example.ExampleSoft/987573587
No such file or directory

# prodreg unregister -u 95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be -i 1

# pkgrm EXSOblob

How to Reinstall Damaged Software Components (prodreg)

If other software depends on a damaged software component, you might want to reinstall the damaged component, rather than uninstall the component and the other dependent software. You can use the -f option with the prodreg unregister command to forcibly the unregister the damaged component. Then, you can reinstall the component.

  1. Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.

  2. View the information on the software you want to reinstall.
    # prodreg browse -m "name"
    BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
    ========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
    1         -      root                                  1  System 
    2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10 
    3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
    4           .    UUID                                  1  name

    Displays information on the name software component you want to reinstall.


    Specifies the UUID of the software component you want to reinstall.

  3. Identify the software that depends on the software you want to reinstall.
    # prodreg info -m "name" -a "Dependent Components"
    Dependent Components:
    Name                         UUID                                  #
    ---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
    component-a                     component-a-UUID 1

    Specifies the name of the software component you want to reinstall.

    -aDependent Components

    Displays the components that depend on name software.


    Specifies the name of a software component that depends on name software.


    Specifies the UUID of the component-a software component.

    The component-a software component depends on the software you want to reinstall. To reinstall name software and not unregister component-a, you must forcibly unregister the name software, then reinstall name software.

  4. Unregister the software component you want to reinstall.
    # prodreg unregister -f -u UUID
  5. Reinstall the software component.
    # /usr/bin/java -cp /usr/installers/installer

    The installer option specifies the name of the installer program for name software.

Example 19-11 Reinstalling Damaged Software Components (prodreg)

The following example shows how to reinstall the damaged software component ComponentSoft without unregistering or uninstalling the dependent component ExampleSoft.

# prodreg browse -m "ComponentSoft"
BROWSE #  +/-/.  UUID                                  #  NAME
========  =====  ====================================  =  ============
1         -      root                                  1  System 
2          +     a01ee8dd-1dd1-11b2-a3f2-0800209a5b6b  1  Solaris 10
3          +     8f64eabf-1dd2-11b2-a3f1-0800209a5b6b  1  Unclassified 
4           .    86758449-554a-6531-fe90-4352678362fe  1  ComponentSoft

# prodreg info -m "ComponentSoft" -a "Dependent Components"
Dependent Components:
Name                         UUID                                  #
---------------------------  ------------------------------------  -
ExampleSoft                  95842091-725a-8501-ef29-0472985982be  1

# prodreg unregister -f -u 86758449-554a-6531-fe90-4352678362fe -i 1

# /usr/bin/java -cp /usr/installers/org.example.componentsoft
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