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System Administration Guide: Virtualization Using the Solaris Operating System
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Checking Package Parameter Settings on a System with Zones Installed

Before you add or remove a software package, you can use the pkgparam command to check package parameter settings. This step is optional. This check also can be done when troubleshooting why a package is not added or removed as expected. For information about displaying package parameter values, see the pkgparam(1) man page.

(Optional) How to Check the Setting of a Package Already Installed on the System

  • To check the package parameter setting of a package that is already installed in a global or non-global zone, use pkgparam followed by the package name and the name of the parameter.
    my-zone% pkgparam package_name SUNW_PKG_ALLZONES
    my-zone% pkgparam package_name SUNW_PKG_HOLLOW

(Optional) How to Check the Setting of a Package in Software on a CD-ROM

  • To check the package parameter setting of an uninstalled package in software located on a CD-ROM, use pkgparam -d with the path of the CD-ROM followed by the package name and the name of the parameter.
    my-zone% pkgparam -d /cdrom/cdrom0/directory package_name SUNW_PKG_ALLZONES
    my-zone% pkgparam -d /cdrom/cdrom0/directory package_name SUNW_PKG_HOLLOW 
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