Using the ppriv Utility
Use the ppriv utility to display the zone's privileges.
How to List Solaris Privileges in the Global Zone
Use the ppriv utility with the -l option to list the privileges available
on the system.
How to List the Non-Global Zone's Privilege Set
Use the ppriv utility with the -l option and the expression zone to
list the zone's privileges.
- Log into the non-global zone. This example uses a zone named my-zone.
- At the prompt, type ppriv -l zone to report the set of
privileges available in the zone.
my-zone# ppriv -l zone
You will see a display similar to this:
How to List a Non-Global Zone's Privilege Set With Verbose Output
Use the ppriv utility with the -l option, the expression zone, and the
-v option to list the zone's privileges.
- Log into the non-global zone. This example uses a zone named my-zone.
- At the prompt, type ppriv -l -v zone to report the set
of privileges available in the zone, with a description of each privilege.
my-zone# ppriv -lv zone
You will see a display similar to this:
Allows a process to request critical events without limitation.
Allows a process to request reliable delivery of all events on
any event queue.
Allows a process to observe contract events generated by
contracts created and owned by users other than the process's
effective user ID.
Allows a process to open contract event endpoints belonging to
contracts created and owned by users other than the process's
effective user ID.
Allows a process to change a file's owner user ID.
Allows a process to change a file's group ID to one other than
the process' effective group ID or one of the process'
supplemental group IDs.