Verifying System Elements
How to Verify Devices in /dev/xen
How to Verify That the Required Packages Are Installed
The following packages must be installed to use the hypervisor and install and
manage domains on your system.
- Verify that the following xvm software packages are installed on the system:
# pkginfo | grep xvm
system SUNWxvmdomr Hypervisor Domain Tools (Root)
system SUNWxvmdomu Hypervisor Domain Tools (Usr)
system SUNWxvmh Hypervisor Header Files
system SUNWxvmhvm Hypervisor HVM
system SUNWxvmr Hypervisor (Root)
system SUNWxvmu Hypervisor (Usr)
- Verify that the virtinst software package is installed on the system:
# pkginfo | grep virtinst
system SUNWvirtinst virt-install
- Verify that the libvert software package is installed on the system:
# pkginfo | grep virtinst
system SUNWlibvirt libvirt
- Verify that the urlgrabber software package is installed on the system:
# pkginfo | grep SUNWurlgrabber
system SUNWurlgrabber urlgrabber
How to Verify That the xvm Hypervisor Services Are Started
- Become superuser, or assume the Primary Administrator role.
- Verify that the xvm services are running.
# svcs -a | grep xvm
If the system displays the following, the services are not running:
disabled Dec_07 svc:/system/xvm/store:default
disabled Dec_07 svc:/system/xvm/xend:default
disabled Dec_07 svc:/system/xvm/console:default
disabled Dec_07 svc:/system/xvm/domains:default
- If the services are not running, verify that you booted an i86xpv
# uname -i
Reboot if necessary.
- If the correct kernel is running, enable the services.
# svcadm enable xvm/store
# svcadm enable xvm/xend
# svcadm enable xvm/console
# svcadm enable xvm/domains
You are now ready to create guest domains (domUs).