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System Administration Guide: Solaris Printing
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Adding a New Network‐Attached Printer by Using Printer Vendor-Supplied Software

Network printers often have software support provided by the printer vendor. If your printer has printer vendor- supplied software, use the printer vendor software, when possible. The software is designed to support the attributes of the printer and can take full advantage of the printer capabilities. Read the printer vendor documentation to install and configure the printer, so that it can operate with the LP print service.

How to Add a Attached Network Printer by Using Printer Vendor-Supplied Tools

  1. Connect the printer to the network. Turn on the power to the printer.

    Consult the printer vendor's installation documentation for information about the hardware switches and cabling requirements. Get an IP address and select a name for the printer node. This method is equivalent to adding any node to the network.

  2. Follow the printer vendor instructions to add the network printer.

    Use the printer vendor instructions to configure the network printer. These instructions are specific to the vendor and printer.

  3. Add client access to the new printer.

    Now that the printer has been added, create access to the printer for the print clients. For more information, see Setting Up a Print Client.

  4. Complete any optional tasks.

    There are several optional tasks that you might want to complete when setting up a network printer. For pointers to these tasks, see Setting Up Solaris Printing Services (Task Map).

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