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System Administration Guide: Solaris Printing
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Chapter 5

Administering Printers by Using Solaris Print Manager and LP Print Commands (Tasks)

This chapter describes the typical printing tasks that a system administrator might perform on a daily, weekly, or occasional basis. The printing services and tools that you can use to perform these tasks are covered in each of the subsequent task sections of this chapter.

For the step-by-step procedures that are associated with administering printing services and printers, see the following task maps:

For overview information, see Chapter 1, Introduction to Printing in the Solaris Operating System.

For information about how to set up printing services see Chapter 3, Setting Up Printing Services (Tasks).

For information about setting up printers, see Chapter 4, Setting Up Printers (Tasks)

For information about how to administer printing services and printers by using printing protocols, see Chapter 6, Administering Printers That Use Network Printing Protocols (Tasks)

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