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System Administration Guide: Solaris Printing
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Administering PPD Files by Using the PPD File Management Utility (Task Map)

Table 9-1 Administering PPD Files by using ppdmgr: Task Map



For Instructions

Add a PPD file to a system by using the ppdmgr utility.

Use the ppdmgr utility to add a PPD file to the system.

How to Add a PPD File to a System by Using the ppdmgr Utility

Add a PPD file to a system by using the lpadmin -n command.

Use the lpadmin -n command to modify an existing print queue to associate a PPD file with it.

How to Add a PPD File to a System by Using the lpadmin -n Command

Request an update or a rebuild of the PPD cache file that is associated with a specific label or all labels.

Note - Depending on the number of PPD files to process, a rebuild of the PPD cache file can be time-consuming.

Use the ppdmgr utility to request an update of the PPD cache file, if you added a PPD file manually or by using the pkgadd command.

If you suspect the PPD cache file has become corrupted, you can request a rebuild of the PPD cache file information for PPD files in these locations:

  • In a specified label directory within a specified repository on a system

  • Within all the repositories on a system

How to Update or Rebuild the PPD Cache File by Using the ppdmgr Utility

Enable the application/print/ppd-cache-update service.

The application/print/ppd-cache-update service must be online to reflect changes made to PPD file repositories in the PPD cache. This service is enabled by default. You can enable the service by using the svcadm command, if necessary.

How to Enable or Disable the ppd-cache-update Service

Disable the application/print/ppd-cache-update service.

Use the svcadm command to disable the application/print/ppd-cache-update service.

How to Enable or Disable the ppd-cache-update Service

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