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System Administration Guide: Solaris Printing
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Solaris Print Manager

This section includes reference information that pertains to using the Solaris Print Manager graphical user interface (GUI), also referred to as Print Manager (printmgr), to set up and administer printing services and printers.

Printer Definitions You Can Set With Solaris Print Manager

The following are available printer definitions when using Solaris Print Manager to set up and administer printing services and printers:

  • The Use PPD files attribute is the default when you create a new print queue in Solaris Print Manager. If you are setting up a printer that does not use PPD files, deselect the attribute by removing the checkmark from the check box. To reselect this attribute, recheck the check box.

    Note - If Solaris Print Manager cannot locate a ppdcache file to use, the Use PPD files attribute is grayed-out.

  • If you create a new print queue or modify an existing print queue with PPD files by using Solaris Print Manger, you cannot assign the printer type or file content type printer definitions. However, if you do not use PPD files when creating a print queue, you can assign these printer definitions.

  • When you create a new print queue or modify an existing print queue with PPD files, the following Solaris Print Manager screens are available:

    • New Attached Printer

    • Modify Printer Properties (for an attached printer)

    • New Network Printer

    • Modify Printer Properties (for a network printer)

    For these screens, when creating a print queue with PPD files, you are required to provide the following information:

    • Printer make

    • Printer model

    • Printer driver

Table 11-1 describes the printer definitions that are used by Solaris Print Manager, and their availability, depending on the Solaris software release that you are running.

Note - The definitions for the printer make, printer model, and printer driver are only available when you create a print queue by using the Use PPD files option in Solaris Print Manager.

Table 11-1 Printer Definitions Used by Solaris Print Manager

Printer Definition

Available in Solaris 9 Release?

Available in the Solaris 10 Release?

Printer Name



Printer Server






Printer Port

Available, for attached printers

Available, for attached printers

Printer Type


Not available by default in the Solaris 9 9/04 release.

Available, by deselecting the Use PPD files attribute in Print Manager drop-down menu

File Content Type


Not available by default in the Solaris 9 9/04 release

Available, by deselecting the Use PPD files attribute in Print Manager drop-down menu

Printer Make

Not available

Yes, available in the Solaris 9 9/04 release


Printer Model

Not available

Available in the Solaris 9 9/04 release


Printer Driver

Not available

Available in the Solaris 9 9/04 release


Fault Notification




Available for a network printer

Available for a network printer


Available for a network printer

Available for a network printer




User Access List



Default Printer



  • Always Print Banner

  • User Selectable - Default=on

  • Never Print Banner

Always Print Banner (Default option)

User Selectable - Default=on (Available when Always Print Banner option is deselected)

Never Print Banner (Not available)

Available (Default option for Solaris 10 release)

User Selectable - Default=on

Never Print Banner

These options are located in a pull-down menu within Solaris Print Manager.

For a detailed description of the printer make, printer model, and printer driver definitions, see Setting Printer Definitions.

Note - Using PPD files is a per-queue configuration option and is not a requirement for adding a new printer. Also, PPD files are not required for printers that already contain the RIP feature.

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