Identity Mapping Troubleshooting
Viewing Identity Mapping Service Property Settings
The identity mapping service uses the svccfg(1M) command to set properties. Before
you change property values, you should view the current property settings.
To view configuration properties related to the idmap service, run one of
the following commands:
To view all properties related to the idmap service, run one of
the following commands:
Saving and Restoring Rule-Based Mappings
You might need to back up and restore your rule-based mappings.
For more information about the idmap export, idmap import, and idmap list commands, see the
idmap(1M) man page.
To back up the mappings, perform the following steps:
Save your rule-based mappings in one of the following ways:
Disable the idmap service.
# svcadm disable idmap
Remove the idmap.db databases.
# rm /var/idmap/idmap.db /var/run/idmap/idmap.db
Reboot the system.
To restore the mappings, use the mapping output you saved during the
backup procedure. Do one of the following to restore based on your
backup method:
Use the idmap import command.
# idmap import -f input-file format
Use the idmap list command.
Run output-file as a shell script.
# sh ./output-file
Viewing Details About Mappings
If you encounter unexpected mapping results, use the idmap dump and idmap show commands
to gather data. Each command has a -v option that produces detailed
information about mappings.
For more information, see How to Show All Established Mappings and How to Show a Mapping for a Particular Identity.