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Solaris Express Developer Edition What's New
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New Features in Solaris Express 2/06

This section describes all features that are new or have been enhanced in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.

Solaris Flash Archives

This installment enhancement is new in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.

This Solaris Flash enhancement enables a user to create an archive that includes large files. The flarcreate command creates a Solaris Flash archive that can contain individual files of 4-Gbyte or more. The available archive utilities are:

  • The portable archive interchange, pax utility. This utility can create an archive without size limitations on individual files. The pax utility is the default archiving utility.

  • The cpio archive utility. This utility is invoked by using the -L cpio option. The cpio utility can archive individual files not larger than 2-Gbyte or 4-Gbyte. The file size limitation depends on the version of the cpio utility.

The pax utility was included in the Solaris 7 OS release. The Solaris Flash archives created by using the pax utility can only be deployed on a Solaris OS with a pax utility. When a user deploys the archive on systems that are running the Solaris 2.6 or earlier versions, the user must use the -L cpio option.

For more information, see the pax(1) and the cpio(1) man pages. See also the Solaris Express Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation).

New fallocate Utility

This feature is new in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.

The fallocate utility enables contiguous allocation of capacity on a supported file system. The UNIX file system support for fallocate provides higher performance for programs that are performing sequential access to data.

For more information, see the fallocate(2) man page.

IIIMF and Language Engines

These language support enhancements are new in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.

The Internet Intranet Input Method Framework (IIIMF) has been upgraded from rev.10 to rev.12.

This framework provides the following new features:

  • Input Method Switcher - This feature displays input method status and switches input languages. You can add the input method switcher to the JDS panel. Select Add to Panel -> Utility -> InputMethod Switcher to add the input method switcher to the JDS panel.

  • Utility for iiim-properties - This feature supports various input method preferences. Use one of the following methods to launch the iiim-properties utility:

    • Select Launch -> Preferences -> Desktop Preferences -> Input Methods.

    • Click mouse button 3 on the Input method switcher and select Preference.

    • In the CDE environment, select Tool -> Input Method Preference from the CDE main menu or type iiim-properties on command prompt.

Each language engine has also been upgraded to the IIIMF rev.12 base. The Japanese language engines, ATOK12 and Wnn6, have been updated to “ATOK for Solaris” and Wnn8 respectively. “ATOK for Solaris” is equivalent to ATOK17. A new Chinese chewing input method has also been added to the IIIMF.

32-bit: Palm Synchronization with USB Port

This desktop feature is new in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.

The palm synchronization feature enables Palm devices synchronization through USB ports on the Solaris OS. This feature provides support to synchronize mobile devices such as Palm tops with desktops.

For further information, see the gpilotd-control-applet(1) man page.

The logadm Utility

This system administration feature in new in the Solaris Express 2/06 release.

The logadm utility provides the -l option to rotate the log file timestamps with local time. The -l option enables logadm to use the local time while naming files. This option does not change how timestamps are stored in log files.

For further information, see the logadm(1M) man page.

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