Solaris Live Upgrade Introduction
Solaris Live Upgrade provides a method of upgrading a system while the system
continues to operate. While your current boot environment is running, you can duplicate
the boot environment, then upgrade the duplicate. Or, rather than upgrading, you can install
a Solaris Flash archive on a boot environment. The original system configuration remains
fully functional and unaffected by the upgrade or installation of an archive. When
you are ready, you can activate the new boot environment by rebooting the
system. If a failure occurs, you can quickly revert to the original boot
environment with a simple reboot. This switch eliminates the normal downtime of the
test and evaluation process.
Solaris Live Upgrade enables you to duplicate a boot environment without affecting the
currently running system. You can then do the following:
Upgrade a system.
Change the current boot environment's disk configuration to different file system types, sizes, and layouts on the new boot environment.
Maintain numerous boot environments with different images. For example, you can create one boot environment that contains current patches and create another boot environment that contains an Update release.
Some understanding of basic system administration is necessary before using Solaris Live Upgrade.
For background information about system administration tasks such as managing file systems, mounting,
booting, and managing swap, see the System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems.