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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations
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System Configuration File Settings and Syntax

The system configuration file enables you to direct the WAN boot installation programs to the following files.

  • sysidcfg

  • rules.ok

  • Custom JumpStart profile

The system configuration file is a plain text file, and must be formatted in the following pattern.


The system.conf file must contain the following settings.


This setting points to the directory on the install server that contains the sysidcfg file. For WAN installations that use HTTPS, set the value to a valid HTTPS URL.


This setting points to the custom JumpStart directory that contains the rules.ok and profile files. For WAN installations that use HTTPS, set the value to a valid HTTPS URL.

You can store the system.conf in any directory that is accessible to the WAN boot server.

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