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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations
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Create the WAN Boot Miniroot

Use the setup_install_server(1M) with the -w option to copy the WAN boot miniroot and the Solaris software image to the /export/install/Solaris_11 directory of wanserver-1.

Insert the Solaris Software media in the media drive that is attached to wanserver-1. Type the following commands.

wanserver-1# mkdir -p /export/install/cdrom0
wanserver-1# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_11/Tools
wanserver-1# ./setup_install_server -w /export/install/cdrom0/miniroot \

Move the WAN boot miniroot to the document root directory (/opt/apache/htdocs/) of the WAN boot server.

wanserver-1# mv /export/install/cdrom0/miniroot/miniroot \

Check the Client OBP for WAN Boot Support

Determine that the client OBP supports WAN boot by typing the following command on the client system.

# eeprom | grep network-boot-arguments
network-boot-arguments: data not available

In the previous example, the network-boot-arguments: data not available output indicates that the client OBP supports WAN boot.

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