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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations
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Table P-1 lists documentation that developers need when they install the Solaris software.

Table P-1 Are You a Developer Installing on a Single System?



Do you need system requirements or other planning information, such as how to partition or backup your system?

x86: Solaris Express Developer Edition Getting Started

Do you need step-by-step installation instructions?

Solaris Express Developer Edition Installation Guide: Laptop Installations

Do you need a roadmap to learn about the numerous interfaces, frameworks, and tools to take advantage of Solaris technologies?

Introduction to the Solaris Development Environment

Do you need troubleshooting information?

Solaris Express Developer Edition Release Notes

Table P-2 lists documentation for system administrators.

Table P-2 Are You a System Administrator Who is Installing Solaris?



Do you need system requirements or high-level planning information? Or want a high-level overview of GRUB based booting, Solaris Zones partitioning technology, or creating RAID-1 volumes?

Solaris Express Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade

Do you need to install a single system from DVD or CD media? The Solaris installation program steps you through an installation.

Solaris Express Installation Guide: Basic Installations

Do you need to upgrade or patch your system with almost no downtime? Save system downtime when upgrading by using Solaris Live Upgrade.

Solaris Express Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning

Do you need to install a secure installation over the network or Internet? Use WAN boot to install a remote client. Or, do you need to install over the network from a network installation image? The Solaris installation program steps you through an installation.

Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

Do you need to install or patch multiple systems quickly? Use Solaris Flash software to create a Solaris Flash archive and install a copy of the OS on clone systems.

Solaris Express Installation Guide: Solaris Flash Archives (Creation and Installation)

Do you need to back up your system?

Chapter 23, Backing Up and Restoring File Systems (Overview), in System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems

Do you need troubleshooting information, a list of known problems, or a list of patches for this release?

Solaris Release Notes

Do you need to verify that your system works on Solaris?

SPARC: Solaris Sun Hardware Platform Guide

Do you need to check on which packages have been added, removed, or changed in this release?

Solaris Package List

Do you need to verify that your system and devices work with Solaris SPARC and x86 based systems and other third-party vendors.

Solaris Hardware Compatibility List for x86 Platforms

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