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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations
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Creating a Boot Server on a Subnet With a DVD Image

You must create an install server to install the Solaris software on a system from the network. You do not always need to set up a boot server. A boot server contains enough of the boot software to boot systems from the network, and then the install server completes the installation of the Solaris software.

  • If you are using DHCP to set installation parameters or your install server or client is on the same subnet as the install server, you do not need a boot server. Proceed to Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network With a DVD Image.

  • If your install server and your client are not on the same subnet and you are not using DHCP, you must create separate boot servers for each subnet. You could create an install server for each subnet; however, install servers require more disk space.

To Create a Boot Server on a Subnet With a DVD Image

  1. On the system you intend to make the boot server for the subnet, log in and become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

    The system must have access to a remote current Solaris release disc image, which is normally the install server. If you use a naming service, the system should also be in a naming service. If you do not use a naming service, you must distribute information about this system by following your site's policies.

  2. Mount the Solaris DVD from the install server.
    # mount -F nfs -o ro server_name:path /mnt

    Is the install server name and absolute path to the disc image

  3. Create a directory for the boot image.
    # mkdir -p boot_dir_path

    Specifies the directory where the boot software is to be copied

  4. Change to the Tools directory on the Solaris DVD image.
    # cd /mnt/Solaris_11/Tools
  5. Copy the boot software to the boot server.
    # ./setup_install_server -b boot_dir_path

    Specifies to set up the system as a boot server


    Specifies the directory where the boot software is to be copied

    Note - The setup_install_server command indicates whether you have enough disk space available for the images. To determine available disk space, use the df -kl command.

  6. Change directories to root (/).
    # cd /
  7. Unmount the installation image.
    # umount /mnt

    You are now ready to set up systems to be installed from the network. See Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network With a DVD Image.

Example 5-5 Creating a Boot Server on a Subnet (DVD)

The following example illustrates how to create a boot server on a subnet. These commands copy the boot software from the Solaris DVD image to /export/home/dvdsparc on the local disk of a boot server named crystal.

# mount -F nfs -o ro crystal:/export/home/dvdsparc /mnt 
# mkdir -p /export/home/dvdsparc
# cd /mnt/Solaris_11/Tools
# ./setup_install_server -b /export/home/dvdsparc
# cd /
# umount /mnt
More Information
Continuing the Installation

After you set up the boot server, you must add the client as an installation client. For information about how to add client systems to install over the network, see Adding Systems to Be Installed From the Network With a DVD Image.

See Also

For additional information about the setup_install_server command, see install_scripts(1M).

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