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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations
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Chapter 6

Installing From the Network With CD Media (Tasks)

This chapter describes how to use CD media to set up your network and systems to install the Solaris software from the network. Network installations enable you to install the Solaris software from a system that has access to the current Solaris release disc images, called an install server, to other systems on the network. You copy the contents of the CD media to the install server's hard disk. Then, you can install the Solaris software from the network by using any of the Solaris installation methods. This chapter covers the following topics:

Note - Starting with the Solaris Express 7/06 release, the generic installation has been changed so that all network services except Secure Shell are disabled or restricted to respond to local requests only. For further information, see Planning Network Security in Solaris Express Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade.

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