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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations
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Preventing User Interaction When Installing or Upgrading

Packages must be added or removed without the user being prompted for information when using the following standard Solaris utilities.

  • The custom JumpStart program

  • Solaris Live Upgrade

  • Solaris installation program program

  • Solaris Zones

To test a package to ensure that it will install with no user interaction, a new administration file can be set up with the pkgadd command -a option. The -a option defines an installation administration file to be used in place of the default administration file. Using the default file might result in the user being prompted for more information. You can create an administration file that indicates to pkgadd that it should bypass these checks and install the package without user confirmation. For details, see the man page admin(4) or pkgadd(1M).

The following examples show how the pkgadd command uses the administration file.

  • If no administration file is provided, pkgadd uses /var/sadm/install/admin/default. Using this file might result in user interaction.

    # pkgadd 
  • If a relative administration file is provided on the command line, pkgadd looks in /var/sadm/install/admin for the file name and uses it. In this example, the relative administration file is named nocheck and pkgadd looks for /var/sadm/install/admin/nocheck.

    # pkgadd -a nocheck 
  • If an absolute file is provided pkgadd uses it. In this example, pkgadd looks in /tmp for the nocheck administration file.

    # pkgadd -a /tmp/nocheck 
Example B-3 Installation Administration File

The following is an example of an installation administration file that requires very little user interaction with the pkgadd utility. Unless the package requires more space than is available on the system, the pkgadd utility uses this file and installs the package without prompting the user for more information.

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