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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations
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x86: Task Map: Setting Up a System for a Custom JumpStart Installation

Table 6-3 x86: Task Map: Setting Up a System for a Custom JumpStart Installation



For Instructions

Determine if you need to preserve an existing operating system and user data.

If the existing operating system on the system uses the entire disk, you must preserve the existing operating system so it can co-exist with the Solaris Express 5/07 software. This decision determines how to specify the fdisk(1M) keyword in the system's profile.

x86: fdisk Profile Keyword

Check if the system is supported.

Check the hardware documentation for system support in the Solaris environment.

Hardware manufacturer's documentation

Check if the system has enough disk space for the Solaris software.

Verify that you have planned enough space to install the Solaris software on your system.

Chapter 4, System Requirements, Guidelines, and Upgrade (Planning), in Solaris Express Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade

(Optional) Set system parameters.

You can preconfigure system information to avoid being prompted for the information during the installation or upgrade.

Chapter 2, Preconfiguring System Configuration Information (Tasks), in Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

Prepare the system for custom JumpStart installation.

Create and validate a rules file and profile files.

Chapter 3, Preparing Custom JumpStart Installations (Tasks)

(Optional) Prepare optional custom JumpStart features.

If you are using begin scripts, finish scripts, or other optional features, prepare the scripts or files.

Chapter 4, Using Optional Custom JumpStart Features (Tasks) and Chapter 5, Creating Custom Rule and Probe Keywords (Tasks)

(Optional) Prepare to install the Solaris software from the network.

To install a system from a remote Solaris Operating System for x86 Platforms DVD or Solaris Software For x86 Platforms CD image, you need to set up the system to boot and install from an install server or a boot server.

Chapter 6, Installing From the Network With CD Media (Tasks), in Solaris Express Installation Guide: Network-Based Installations

(Optional) Prepare for a Solaris Flash archive installation.

Set up specifics for a Solaris Flash archive installation.

To Prepare to Install a Solaris Flash Archive With a Custom JumpStart Installation

Perform an installation or upgrade.

Boot the system to initiate the installation or upgrade.

x86: To Perform an Installation or Upgrade With the Custom JumpStart Program and With GRUB

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