SPARC: Create the Engineering Group's Profile
For the engineering systems, you create a file that is named eng_prof in the
/jumpstart directory. The eng_prof file contains the following entries, which define the Solaris
Express 5/07 software to be installed on systems in the engineering group:
install_type initial_install
system_type standalone
partitioning default
cluster SUNWCprog
filesys any 512 swap
The previous example profile specifies the following installation information.
- install_type
The installation is to be treated as an initial installation, as opposed to an upgrade.
- system_type
The engineering systems are standalone systems.
- partitioning
The JumpStart software uses default disk partitioning for installing Solaris software on the engineering systems.
- cluster
The Developer System Support software group is to be installed.
- filesys
Each system in the engineering group is to have 512 Mbytes of swap space.