Configuring the iSNS Server
You can configure the iSNS server using as described in the following task
maps and sections.
After these tasks, the iSNS server is operating in a minimal manner. All
of the clients are in the default discovery domain and are unassigned. Each
one can identify and get access to all of the other ones.
The next section provides instructions for setting up the iSNS environment. The following
topics are discussed:
Setting Up the iSNS Administrative Settings
This section provides the procedures for changing the default administrative settings of the
iSNS service and for starting the iSNS daemon. If you change a setting
after the iSNS server has been started, you need to refresh the iSNS
server. If you change the data store location, you need to restart
the iSNS server.
See the man page for the isns(1M) command details about these operations.
How to Set Notifications for Changes in Server State
By default, all clients are notified when the iSNS server is not
available. To disable these notifications, change the Management_SCNs_Enabled property.
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Use the svccfg command to disable the property:
# svccfg -s svc:/network/isns_server setprop\config/Management_SCNs_Enabled=no
- Reload the server configuration:
# svcadm refresh svc:/network/isns_server
How to Set the Number of Retries for Client Inquiries
The default number of retries is 3. If the server does not
get a response to three inquiries, it registers that client as unavailable. To
change the number of retries, change the value of the ESI Retry Threshold property.
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Use the svccfg command to change the property to, for example, 6 retries:
# svccfg -s svc:/network/isns_server setprop\config/ESI_retry_threshold_count=6
- Reload the server configuration:
# svcadm refresh svc:/network/isns_server
How to Specify the Data Store Location
The default location and name for the file that contains the client data
is /etc/isns/isnsdata.xml If you have a complex network environment that includes one or
more backup iSNS servers, the data store must reside in a common location
so that all servers can use it. Use the data_store_location property to specify
the new location. You can also change the name of the file.
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Use the svccfg command to change the location to, for example, /etc/isns2/isns_data.xml:
svccfg -s svc:/network/isns_server setprop\config/data_store_location="/etc/isns2/isns_data.xml"
- If you change the data store location after the server has been enabled,
you must restart the server:
# svcadm restart svc:/network/isns_server
How to Enable the iSNS Server Daemon
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Set the server to start each time the system boots:
#svcadm -v enable svc:/network/isns_server
svc:/network/isns_server:default enabled
- Verify the state of the iSNS service:
#svcs svc:/network/isns_server:default
online 11:50:04 svcs svc:/network/isns_server:default
How to Disable the iSNS Server Daemon
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Set the server to start each time the system boots:
#svcadm -v disable svc:/network/isns_server
svc:/network/isns_server:default disabled
- Verify the state of the iSNS service:
#svcs svc:/network/isns_server:default
disabled 11:51:05 svc:/network/isns_server:default
Using the Command Line Interface to Configure iSNS
This section provides the procedures for configuring the iSNS server using the command
line interface. The following topics are discussed:
These procedures use the isnsadm(1M) command. See the man page for a
complete description of all of the command options.
How to Display the Current Server Configuration
How to Enable the Default Discovery Domain Set
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Activate the default discovery domain set:
#isnsadm enable-dd-set Default
How to Create the Discovery Domain Sets
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Create a discovery domain set:
#isnsadm create-dd-set set_name
- Enable the discovery domain set:
#isnsadm enable-dd-set set_name
- View all the discovery domain sets, including the new one:
#isnsadm list-dd-set -v
DD Set name: Default
State: Enabled
DD Set name:set_name
State: Enabled
The list of discovery domain sets includes the default discovery domain set as
well as the new one.
How to Create the Discovery Domains
New discovery domains are members of the default discovery domain set. After you
create them, you add them to the new discovery domain set.
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Create the discovery domain:
#isnsadm create-dd domain_name
- View the new discovery domain in the Default discovery domain set:
#isnsadm list-dd-set Default
DD name: name
DD set(s): Default
- Create other discovery domains.
How to Add a Discovery Domain to a Discovery Domain Set
This task removes the discovery domain from the default discovery domain set and
adds it the discovery domain set that you specify. Because the new discovery
domain set has been enabled, all the clients in its discovery domains can
be discovered by the iSNS server.
You do not need to have privileges to list the members of
the discovery domains and discovery domain sets.
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- List the discovery domains to identify the one you want to add.
#isnsadm list-dd -v Default
- List the discovery domain sets to identify the one you want as the
container for the new discovery domain.
#isnsadm list-dd-set
- Move the discovery domain to the discovery domain set that you want:
#isnsadm add-dd domain_name -s set_name
- View the new addition to the discovery domain set:
#isnsadm list-dd-set -v domain_name
How to Assign Clients to a Discovery Domain
Before You Begin
Use the client's management interface to register the client. Using the iSCSI configuration
function, specify the IP address of the iSNS server and allow discovery of
the client by the iSNS server.
- Use the “iSNS Server Management” RBAC profile to obtain the authorizations needed for
managing the iSNS service.
Roles contain authorizations and privileged commands. For more information about roles, see Configuring RBAC (Task Map) in System Administration Guide: Security Services.
- Verify that the client has been registered with the iSNS server:
#isnsadm list-node
iSCSI Name:
Alias: STK5320_NAS
Type: Target
iSCSI Name:
Type: Initiator
The output shows the clients' iSCSI names.
- Verify the name of the discovery domain:
#isnsadm list-dd
- Add the client to the discovery domain:
#isnsadm add-node -d domain_name iSCSI_Name
For example, to add the target called “STK5320_NAS” to the Eng-dd discovery domain:
#isnsadm add-node -d Eng-dd
- List all the clients in the discovery domain to verify the client has
been added:
#isnsadm list-dd -v domain_name
For example, to check the Eng-dd discovery domain:
#isnsadm list-dd -v Eng-dd
DD name: Eng-dd
DD set: Development-dds
iSCSI Name:
iSCSI Name:
iSCSI name: