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Solaris Modular Debugger Guide
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USB Framework Debugging Support (uhci)

The uchi module provides debugging support for the host controller interface portion of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) framework.


address ::uhci_qh [-bd]

Given the address of a USB UHCI controller Queue Head (QH) structure, print the contents of the structure. If the -b option is present iterate over the link_ptr chain, printing all QHs found. If the -d option is present, iterate over the element_ptr chain, printing all TDs found.

address ::uhci_td [-d]

Given the address of a USB UHCI controller Transaction Descriptor (TD) structure, print the contents of the structure. Note this only works for Control and Interrupt TDs. If the -d option is present, iterate over the element_ptr chain, printing all TDs found.



Given the address of a USB UHCI controller Queue Head (QH) structure, iterate over the list of such structures.


Given the address of a USB UHCI controller Queue Head Descriptor (TD) structure, iterate over the list of such structures.

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