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OpenSolaris 2008.11 Distribution Constructor Guide
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System Requirements

The distribution constructor requires the following setup.

Table 1-1 System Requirements



Disk Space

The recommended minimum size for your distribution constructor work space is 8 Gbytes.

OpenSolaris 2008.11

Install the OpenSolaris 2008.11 release on your system. For installation instructions, see Getting Started With OpenSolaris 2008.11.

Required packages

The SUNWdistro-const package which contains the distribution constructor application must be installed on your system.

You can use the Package Manager tool to install the required package. For an introduction to the Package Manager, see this screencast.

Alternately, use IPS commands such as the following to install this package:

$ pfexec pkg install SUNWdistro-const

Network access

Your installed system must have network access.

Specifically, the distribution constructor accesses IPS repositories that are available on the network to retrieve packages for the ISO image. You must have network access to the repositories that you specify in the manifest file.

Root access

You must run the distribution constructor as root.

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