Using Checkpointing to Create an Image
You can use the checkpointing options in the distro_const command to debug
your selection of files, packages, and scripts for creating an image.
Note - The checkpointing feature is enabled by default in the manifest file. However, if
you want to use checkpointing, you must specify a ZFS dataset, or a
mount point that correlates to a ZFS dataset, as your build area.
Use the checkpointing options that are available in the distro_const command as
described in the following basic instructions.
Creating an Image Using Checkpoint Options
- Check the valid steps at which you can choose to pause or
resume by using the following command:
$ pfexec distro_const build -l manifest
This command displays the valid steps at which you can pause or
resume building an image. Use the step names provided by this command as
valid values for the other checkpointing command options. The build subcommand is required.
- Use the following command to build an image, and to pause building the
image at the specified step.
$ pfexec distro_const build -p step manifest
The build subcommand is required. The step and manifest fields are required.
- Resume the build by using one of the following alternatives:
- Use the following command to resume building the image from the specified step.
$ pfexec distro_const build -r step manifest
The specified step must be either the step at which the previous
build stopped executing, or an earlier step. A later step is not valid.
The step and manifest fields are required. The build subcommand is required.
- Use the following command to resume building the image from the last step
$ pfexec distro_const build -R manifest
The manifest field and the build subcommand are required.
Example 2-6 Using Checkpoint Options
The following example shows a specific checkpointing process.
Confirm which checkpoints are available. The manifest file is slim_cd.xml.
$ pfexec distro_const build -l slim_cd.xml
The valid steps are displayed as follows.
Step Resumable Description
-------------- --------- -------------
im-pop X Populate the image with packages
pkg-add X Auto install pkgs
im-mod X Image area modifications
br-init X Boot root initialization
br-config X Boot root configuration
ai-br-config X Auto install boot root configuration
ai-post-br-config X Auto install post boot root configuration
br-arch X Boot root archiving
ai-post-br-arch X Auto install post boot root archiving
grub-setup X Grub menu setup
post-mod Post bootroot image area modification
iso ISO image creation
Note - The check in the resumable field indicates that you can restart the build from this step. This example shows that the build can be resumed from all checkpoints except the last two.
Start building the image and pause before step im-mod modifies the image area.
$ pfexec distro_const build -p im-mod slim_cd.xml
Restart at the step for modifying the image area. Finish creating the image.
$ pfexec distro_const build -r im-mod slim_cd.xml