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Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide
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Member Sizes and Offsets

You can determine the size in bytes of any D type or expression, including a struct or union, using the sizeof operator. The sizeof operator can be applied either to an expression or to the name of a type surrounded by parentheses, as illustrated by the following two examples:

sizeof expression                sizeof (type-name)

For example, the expression sizeof (uint64_t) would return the value 8, and the expression sizeof (callinfo.ts) would also return 8 if inserted into the source code of our example program above. The formal return type of the sizeof operator is the type alias size_t, which is defined to be an unsigned integer of the same size as a pointer in the current data model, and is used to represent byte counts. When the sizeof operator is applied to an expression, the expression is validated by the D compiler but the resulting object size is computed at compile time and no code for the expression is generated. You can use sizeof anywhere an integer constant is required.

You can use the companion operator offsetof to determine the offset in bytes of a struct or union member from the start of the storage associated with any object of the struct or union type. The offsetof operator is used in an expression of the following form:

offsetof (type-name, member-name)

Here type-name is the name of any struct or union type or type alias, and member-name is the identifier naming a member of that struct or union. Similar to sizeof, offsetof returns a size_t and can be used anywhere in a D program that an integer constant can be used.

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