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Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide
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Using a Speculation

To use a speculation, an identifier returned from speculation() must be passed to the speculate() function in a clause before any data-recording actions. All subsequent data-recording actions in a clause containing a speculate() will be speculatively traced. The D compiler will generate a compile-time error if a call to speculate() follows data recording actions in a D probe clause. Therefore, clauses may contain speculative tracing or non-speculative tracing requests, but not both.

Aggregating actions, destructive actions, and the exit action may never be speculative. Any attempt to take one of these actions in a clause containing a speculate() results in a compile-time error. A speculate() may not follow a speculate(): only one speculation is permitted per clause. A clause that contains only a speculate() will speculatively trace the default action, which is defined to trace only the enabled probe ID. See Chapter 10, Actions and Subroutines for a description of the default action.

Typically, you assign the result of speculation() to a thread-local variable and then use that variable as a subsequent predicate to other probes as well as an argument to speculate(). For example:

    self->spec = speculation();

    printf("this is speculative");
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