Chapter 1
Welcome to Dynamic Tracing in the Solaris Operating System! If you have ever
wanted to understand the behavior of your system, DTrace is the tool for
you. DTrace is a comprehensive dynamic tracing facility that is built into Solaris
that can be used by administrators and developers on live production systems to
examine the behavior of both user programs and of the operating system itself.
DTrace enables you to explore your system to understand how it works, track
down performance problems across many layers of software, or locate the cause of
aberrant behavior. As you'll see, DTrace lets you create your own custom programs
to dynamically instrument the system and provide immediate, concise answers to arbitrary questions
you can formulate using the DTrace D programming language. The first section of
this chapter provides a quick introduction to DTrace and shows you how to
write your very first D program. The rest of the chapter introduces the
complete set of rules for programming in D as well as tips and
techniques for performing in-depth analysis of your system. You can share your DTrace
experiences and scripts with the rest of the DTrace community on the web
at All of the example scripts presented in this guide can
be found on your Solaris system in the directory /usr/demo/dtrace.