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Writing Device Drivers
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Introduction to Target Drivers

Target drivers can be either character or block device drivers, depending on the device. Drivers for tape drives are usually character device drivers, while disks are handled by block device drivers. This chapter describes how to write a SCSI target driver. The chapter discusses the additional requirements that SCSA places on block and character drivers for SCSI target devices.

The following reference documents provide supplemental information needed by the designers of target drivers and host bus adapter drivers.

Small Computer System Interface 2 (SCSI-2), ANSI/NCITS X3.131-1994, Global Engineering Documents, 1998. ISBN 1199002488.

The Basics of SCSI, Fourth Edition, ANCOT Corporation, 1998. ISBN 0963743988.

Refer also to the SCSI command specification for the target device, provided by the hardware vendor.

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