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Writing Device Drivers
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Block Driver Structure Overview

Figure 16-1 shows data structures and routines that define the structure of a block device driver. Device drivers typically include the following elements:

  • Device-loadable driver section

  • Device configuration section

  • Device access section

The shaded device access section in the following figure illustrates entry points for block drivers.

Figure 16-1 Block Driver Roadmap
Diagram shows structures and entry points for block device drivers.

Associated with each device driver is a dev_ops(9S) structure, which in turn refers to a cb_ops(9S) structure. See Chapter 6, Driver Autoconfiguration for details on driver data structures.

Block device drivers provide these entry points:

Note - Some of the entry points can be replaced by nodev(9F) or nulldev(9F) as appropriate.

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  Published under the terms fo the Public Documentation License Version 1.01. Design by Interspire