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OpenOffice Impress User Guide
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OpenOffice Impress User Guide
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Introducing Impress

  1. What is Impress?
  2. Parts of the main Impress window
  3. Creating a new presentation
  4. Formatting a presentation
  5. Running the slide show

Chapter 2 - Using Slide Masters, Styles and Templates

  1. Designing a presentation
  2. What are slide masters?
  3. What are styles? Why use them?
  4. Working with slide masters
  5. Modifying a slide master
  6. Choosing and applying the background
  7. Working with styles
  8. Working with templates

Chapter 3 - Adding and Formatting Text

  1. Introduction to Impress
  2. Working with text boxes
  3. Inserting text
  4. Formatting text
  5. Creating bulleted and numbered lists
  6. Using fields
  7. Using hyperlinks

Chapter 4 - Adding and Formatting Pictures

  1. Introduction to Pictures
  2. Inserting pictures
  3. Formatting pictures
  4. Creating an image map
  5. Managing the Gallery themes

Chapter 5 - Creating Graphic Objects

  1. Introduction Graphic Objects
  2. The Drawing toolbar
  3. Creating lines and shapes
  4. Working with connectors
  5. Working with 3D shapes
  6. Grouping shapes together
  7. Arranging shapes
  8. Flipping shapes
  9. Aligning shapes
  10. Alignment using the grid and snap guides
  11. Converting an object to a different type
  12. Setting up interaction with a shape or image
  13. Animating images
  14. Using Fontwork

Chapter 6 - Formatting Graphics Objects

  1. Introduction Graphic Object Formatting
  2. Using graphics styles to format graphics
  3. Formatting lines and shapes
  4. Moving, resizing and rotating a graphic object
  5. Formatting lines
  6. Formatting areas
  7. Formatting text
  8. Formatting connectors

Chapter 7 - Inserting Spreadsheets, Charts and Other Objects

  1. Using spreadsheets in Impress
  2. Inserting a chart
  3. Inserting other objects
  4. Inserting the contents of a file

Chapter 8 - Adding and Formatting Sildes, Notes and Handouts

  1. Introduction Slide Formatting
  2. Adding, renaming, and removing slides
  3. Creating slides from an outline
  4. Modifying slides
  5. Adding and formatting notes
  6. Creating handouts

Chapter 9 - Slide Shows

  1. Putting together a slide show
  2. Using slide transitions
  3. Using slide animation effects
  4. Using interactions

Chapter 10 - Printing, e-mailing, exporting and saving slide shows

  1. Introduction to Exporting
  2. Quick printing
  3. Controlling printing
  4. Printing a brochure
  5. Exporting to PDF
  6. Exporting as a Flash file
  7. Exporting as web pages (HTML files)
  8. E-mailing a presentation
  9. Opening and saving a PowerPoint file

Chapter 11 - Setting Up and Customizing Impress

  1. Choosing options that affect all of OOo
  2. Choosing options for Impress
  3. Customizing the user interface

Appendix A - Keyboard Shortcuts

  1. Introduction to Shortcuts
  2. Function keys for Impress
  3. Other shortcut keys for Impress
  4. Shortcut keys in the Normal View
  5. Shortcut keys in slide shows
  6. Navigating with the keyboard in Slide Sorter
OpenOffice Impress User Guide
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  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire