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OpenOffice Calc User Guide
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Logical functions

Use the logical functions to test values and produce results based on the result of the test. These functions are conditional and provide the ability to write longer formulas based on input or output.

Table 15: Logical functions



AND(logical_value_1; logical_value_2; ...logical_value_30)

Returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE. If any element is FALSE, this function returns the FALSE value. Logical_value_1; logical_value_2; ...logical_value_30 are conditions to be checked. All conditions can be either TRUE or FALSE. If a range is entered as a parameter, the function uses the value from the range that is in the current column or row. The result is TRUE if the logical value in all cells within the cell range is TRUE


Set the logical value to FALSE. The FALSE() function does not require any arguments.

IF(test; then_value; otherwise_value)

Specifies a logical test to be performed. Test is any value or expression that can be TRUE or FALSE. Then_value (optional) is the value that is returned if the logical test is TRUE. Otherwise_value (optional) is the value that is returned if the logical test is FALSE.


Reverses the logical value. Logical_value is any value to be reversed.

OR(logical_value_1; logical_value_2; ...logical_value_30)

Returns TRUE if at least one argument is TRUE. Returns the value FALSE if all the arguments have the logical value FALSE.. Logical_value_1; logical_value_2; ...logical_value_30 are conditions to be checked. All conditions can be either TRUE or FALSE. If a range is entered as a parameter, the function uses the value from the range that is in the current column or row.


Sets the logical value to TRUE. The TRUE() function does not require any arguments.

OpenOffice Calc User Guide
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