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OpenOffice Calc User Guide
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Changing axes scales

The numbers on the y-axis of our example chart are cluttering things up and it makes sense to start the y-axis at zero percent cloud cover. To do this:

  1. Right-click with the cursor inside the graph and select Edit (See Figure 59).You can also double-click on the graph to place it in Edit mode.


  1. From the menu bar, select Format > Axis> Y Axis and select the Scale tab.

  2. Set the Minimum value to 0 and Major Interval to 5. Leave the other settings as they are.

    These changes produce the graph shown in Figure 60. This is a bit better, but the scale on the x-axis could be improved.


  1. Again right-click in the chart and select Edit. Then from the menu bar, select Format > Axis > X Axis. Leave the Minimum value at 10 km/hr but reset the maximum value to 40 km/hr and the major interval to 5.

Figure 61 looks better and is much less cluttered.


We could have reset the Minimum value to 0 as we did with the y-axis but we would have ended up with a lot of unused space on the left side of the graph. Try it and see what you think. Graphs do not need to start from a (0,0) origin.

OpenOffice Calc User Guide
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