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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Creating a blank document

You can create a new, blank document in Writer in several ways.

When OOo is open but no document is open (for example, if you close all the open documents but leave the program running), a Welcome screen is shown. Click one of the icons to open a new document of that type, or click the Templates icon to start a new document using a template.

You can also start a new document in one of the following ways. If a document is already open in OOo, the new document opens in a new window.

  • Press the Control+N keys. A new empty document opens. If you already have a document open, the new document appears in a new window.
  • Use File > New > Text Document. The result is the same as pressing the Control+N keys.
  • Click the New button on the main toolbar Image:Writer-icon.png.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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