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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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Setting up paragraph background and borders

Adding a background color and a border to a paragraph is a good way to make it stand out without having to insert a frame. You can customize the background and border of the paragraph areas using the corresponding pages of the paragraph style dialog box. In addition to highlighting, borders are also often used to separate header and footer areas from the main text area as well as decorative elements in some heading styles.

The two pages are fairly intuitive. You may want to pay attention to the following points when working with the Background page:

  • In case you do not find the desired color in the list of predefined ones, you can define your own by selecting Tools > Options > Colors.
  • You can use a graphic instead of a solid color as background. Select Graphic in the drop-down menu, then select the graphic object you want to use and adjust the parameters, as required. Detailed instructions on working with graphic backgrounds can be found in the Impress Guide.
  • The background is applied to the paragraph area, so that if you have defined some indentations, the space between the paragraph and the margin remains of the page color.

With regard to the Borders page, the following points are worth considering:

  • Watch out for the effects that the spacing between borders and paragraph area produces on indentations and tabulations.
  • If you want the border to be drawn around multiple paragraphs, leave the corresponding option at the bottom of the page marked.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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