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OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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The next style property

As for the other styles, the Next style property described in the The Organizer page allows you to specify the style for the subsequent element of the category of style you are working on. This property is particularly important for a page style, as the following example demonstrates.

Setting up a title page

Consider a common scenario: you want the document to have a title page that is different from the rest of the document:

  • It should not have a header or page number.
  • The left and right margins should be the same.

For the title page, we can use the predefined First Page page style that comes with OOo, and for the rest of the document, we can use the Default page style.

The figure below shows the required flow of page styles. On the Organizer page of the Default page style, leave the Next Style property set to Default. On the Organizer page of the First Page style, make sure that the Next Style property is set to Default.

Flow of page styles.

OpenOffice Writer 3.x User Guide
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